About 3D Cube
Wireframe projection of a 3D cube using Android's 2D graphics primitives. The application projects the 3D co-ordinates of a Unit Cube, onto the 2D near plane using the principle of similar triangles. The cube is rotated using Euler angles, and the application should scale to different screen sizes. This application is not a game but a technical demonstration for the class ISCG7424 Mobile Software Development at Unitec Institute of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand. The course notes for this software can be found on Moodle at: http://moodle.unitec.ac.nz/course/view.php?id=2413
1.0 Initial Release
1.1 Updated code so that the cube will continue to rotate automatically after 2.5 seconds of inactivity.
1.2 Updated code to allow user to rotate 3D Model using touch events
The source code for this project can be found here: https://JohnCasey-admin@bitbucket.org/JohnCasey-admin/3d-graphics.git