About App Ojek 50rb
Jika Anda berminat punya ojek online sederhana, seperti inilah aplikasinya.
Cukup dengan Rp 50rb sudah bisa memiliki aplikasi resmi ojek online di Play Store.
Harga ini terbatas hanya untuk 100 pemesan pertama.
Hemat dan Bermanfaat.
Segera buat ojek online di kota kabupatenmu, kota kecamatan, atau di desamu.
Unduh app ini dan pelajari selengkapnya sebelum order.
Simple tanpa biaya bulanan atau tahunan. Ngirit banget. Buat sekali, aktif selamanya.
Segera mulai bisnis ojek online mandiri di tempatmu! If you are interested in has a simple motorcycle online, such as this application.
Enough with the Rp 50rb can already have an official motorcycle online application in the Play Store.
This price is limited to the first 100 subscribers.
Efficient and Helpful.
Immediately create online motorcycle in kabupatenmu city, city district, or in the village.
Download this app and learn more before you order.
Simple with no monthly or annual fee. Ngirit really. Create once, active forever.
Immediately start motorcycle online business independently in your place!
Download and install
App Ojek 50rb version 1.0.1 on your
Android device!
Downloaded 100+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package:
com.jasapembuatan.aplikasi.ojekonline, download App Ojek 50rb.apk