About IwasThere2
IwasThere2 Android app works with the IwasThere2.com website for any and all great places of interest and awesome events in America. Promoters can create a Description Blog for their place or event featuring:
- Fixed fields standard to places and events
- Topic URL prefix field so the topic page linked by: .IwasThere2.com
- Free-form description that can be nicely formatted and include pictures, video and web links.
- Facebook and Twitter links for the place or event
- Facebook Likes links for the place or event
- User Ratings
- With the address fields and/or long & lat fields, users can pull up a map page
- Can optionally display QR code to this page or promoter’s website
- Any registered user will be able to create a Description Topic.
Users can describe their experience by creating an Experience Blog that is attached to a Description Blog. The Description Blog contains most of the same fields and is formatted similar to Experience Blogs. Any number of users can create Experience Blogs attached to a particular Description Blog.
In addition to place and event topics, a topic can be a performer topic. Event, place/venue and performer topics can be linked together.
- Users can search by:
- Keywords (contained in title and/or description)
- State
- City
- Event Date(s)
- Category
Categories can such as:
Arenas, Casinos, Stadiums, Racetracks, Museums, Attractions, Amusement Parks, Farms, Ranches, Churches, Restaurants, Wineries, Hotels, B & Bs, Lodges, Resorts, Spas, Tours, Art Galleries, Zoos, Aquariums, State and National Parks, Transportation and Industry tours.
Conventions, Fairs, Festivals, Concerts, Shows, Sports and Charity events.
Musicians and sports teams.
- Users can change any of their profile fields on the User Profile page.
- Users can set any or all their fields to be private on the User Profile page.