About খনার ১০০টি বচন - Khanar bochon
খনার বচন, প্রবাদ, ছড়া, জারী ইত্যাদি বাঙালি সংস্কৃতির ঐতিহ্য। এর মধ্যে প্রায় সহস্র বছর ধরে খনার বচন গ্রামবাংলার মানুষের কথায় কথায় চলে এসেছে আজ পর্যন্ত। তবে খনার বচনের প্রচলন কমে আসছে আধুনিকায়ন ও যান্ত্রিকায়নের ভিড়ে। খনার বচন রচিত হয় চৌদ্দ শতকের মাঝামাঝি সময় থেকে। বিখ্যাত জ্যোতিষী খনা হাজারো বচন রচনা করে গেছেন বাঙালিদের জীবন সংস্কৃতির সাথে মিল রেখে।
খনা মিহিরের স্ত্রী। খনার শ্বশুর বরাহ নামকরা জ্যোতিষী ছিলেন। খনার জন্ম হয় বাংলাদেশে এবং জীবনকাল অতিবাহিত করেন বাংলা ভূখন্ডে। মিহিরের সঙ্গে বৈবাহিক সূত্রে আবদ্ধ হওয়ায় তিনি পশ্চিমবঙ্গের চবিবশ পরগনা জেলায় বসবাস করেন। খনার রচিত বচনে বাঙালির জীবন-যাপন রীতি, কৃষি, বৃক্ষরোপণ, পশুপালনসহ যেসব কাজে ব্যস্ত থাকত সেসব কাজের উপদেশমূলক বাক্য রয়েছে। এসব বাক্য মেনে চললে উপকার পাওয়া যায়।
খনার বচন মূলত কৃষিতত্ত্বভিত্তিক ছড়া। আনুমানিক ৮ম থেকে ১২শ শতাব্দীর মধ্যে রচিত। অনেকের মতে খনা নাম্নী জ্যোতির্বিদ্যায় পারদর্শী এক বিদুষী বাঙালি নারীর রচনা এই ছড়াগুলো। তবে এ নিয়ে মতভেদ আছে। অজস্র খনার বচন যুগ-যুগান্তর ধরে গ্রাম বাংলার জন-জীবনের সাথে মিশে আছে। জনশ্রুতি আছে যে, খনার নিবাস ছিল চব্বিশ পরগণার তৎকালীন বারাসাত মহকুমার দেউলি গ্রামে। এমনকি রাজা বিক্রমাদিত্যের সভার নবরত্নের একজন বলে কথিত।
এই রচনা গুলো চার ভাগে বিভক্ত:
-কৃষিকাজের প্রথা ও কুসংস্কার।
-কৃষিকাজ ফলিত ও জ্যোতির্বিজ্ঞান।
-আবহাওয়া জ্ঞান।
-শস্যের যত্ন সম্পর্কিত উপদেশ।
খনার প্রতিটি বচনেই রয়েছে অর্থবহ গভীর তাৎপর্য। কিছু উল্লেখযোগ্য খনার বচন এখানে উল্লেখ করা হলো।
Khana (Bengali: খনা, pron. khawnaa) was an Indian poet and legendary astrologer, who composed in the medieval Bengali language between the ninth and 12th centuries AD. She is associated with the village Deuli, in Barasat district, West Bengal.
Her poetry, known as khanar bachan (or vachan) (খনার বচন) (meaning "khana's words"), among the earliest compositions in Bengali literature, is known for its agricultural themes. The short couplets or quatrains reflect a robust common sense, as in this paean to industry:
thakte balad na kare chas
tar dukhkha baro mas
"He who owns oxen, but does not plough, his sorry state lasts twelve months of the year."
The legend of Khana (also named Lilavati elsewhere) centers around her association with Pragjyotishpur (the Bengal/Assam border), or possibly Chandraketugarh in southern Bengal (where a mound has been discovered amongst ruins with the names of Khana and Mihir associated with it) and that she was the daughter-in-law of the famous astronomer and mathematician, Varahamihira, a jewel among Chandragupta II Vikramaditya's famed Navaratna sabha.
In all likelihood, she lived her life in Bengal, but a number of legends have grown up around her life. According to one legend, she was born in Sri Lanka and was married to the mathematician-astronomer Varahamihira, but it is far more widely believed that Khana was Varahamihira's daughter-in-law, and an accomplished astrologer, becoming thereby a potential threat to Varahamihira's scientific career. However, she exceeded him in the accuracy of her predictions, and at some point, either her husband (or father-in-law) or a hired hand (or possibly Khana herself under great duress) cut off her tongue to silence her prodigious talent. This is a theme that resonates in modern Bengali feminism, as in this poem by Mallika Sengupta, khanaa's song:
Listen o listen :
Hark this tale of Khanaa
In Bengal in the Middle ages
Lived a woman Khanaa, I sing her life
The first Bengali woman poet
Her tongue they severed with a knife
- Mallika Sengupta, Amra hasya amra larai, tr. Amitabha Mukerjee
Through the centuries, Khana's advice has acquired the character of an oracle in rural Bengal (modern West Bengal, Bangladesh and parts of Bihar). Ancient versions in Assamese and Oriya also exist.
Additional tag:
#bangla #khanar #bachan #download #angla #song #read #khonar #bochon #vachan #in #bengali #book #language #খনার #বচন #সমগ্র #জীবনী #বচনের #ইতিহাস #বই #ও #khona #khana #bachana #free #প্রবাদ #প্রবচন #বাক্য #কাকে #বলে #এক #কথায় #প্রকাশ #উপদেশ #মূলক #কথা Khana sayings, proverbs, rhymes, etc. culture heritage issued. Maxim Khana village of about a thousand years, until the words come today. However, the introduction of voices coming down Khana modernization and yantrikayanera crowd. Maxim is written in the fourteenth century to the mid-Khana. Maxim wrote the famous astrologer khana thousands of Bengalis living in harmony with the culture.
Khana mihirera wife. Varaha father was a well-known astrologer Khana. Khana was born in Bangladesh and Bengali lifetime spent in the territory. Mihirera twenty-four Parganas district of West Bengal, he was tied up with a formula for marital lives. Khana written word should Bengalis living customs, agriculture, plantation, pasupalanasaha was the head of the task is imperative sentence. These words can be found in the following benefits.
Maxim Khana krsitattbabhittika the rhyme. Written in the 8th century, from approximately 1. According to many experts in astronomy, one of the gifted Bengali woman named khana this charagulo composition. However, there is a difference of opinion. Khana-parole period for the conclusion of many of the rural people have merged with life. That tradition, Khana home was then twenty-four Parganas Barasat deuli village subdivision. Even one of King Vikramaditya Assembly nabaratnera said.
This essay is divided into four parts are:
Krsikajera customs and superstitions.
Krsikaja applied and astronomy.
-Weather Knowledge.
Sasyera care advice.
Each has a meaning deeper significance bacanei Khana. Here are some of the notable Khana parole.
Khana (Bengali: khana, pron. Khawnaa) was an Indian poet and legendary astrologer, who composed in the medieval Bengali language between the ninth and 12th centuries AD. She is associated with the village Deuli, in Barasat district, West Bengal.
Her poetry, known as khanar bachan (or vachan) (Khana parole) (meaning "khana's words"), among the earliest compositions in Bengali literature, is known for its agricultural themes. The short couplets or quatrains reflect a robust common sense, as in this paean to industry:
thakte balad na kare chas
tar dukhkha baro mas
"He who owns oxen, but does not plough, his sorry state lasts twelve months of the year."
The legend of Khana (also named Lilavati elsewhere) centers around her association with Pragjyotishpur (the Bengal / Assam border), or possibly Chandraketugarh in southern Bengal (where a mound has been discovered amongst ruins with the names of Khana and Mihir associated with it) and that she was the daughter-in-law of the famous astronomer and mathematician, Varahamihira, a jewel among Chandragupta II Vikramaditya's famed Navaratna sabha.
In all likelihood, she lived her life in Bengal, but a number of legends have grown up around her life. According to one legend, she was born in Sri Lanka and was married to the mathematician-astronomer Varahamihira, but it is far more widely believed that Khana was Varahamihira's daughter-in-law, and an accomplished astrologer, becoming thereby a potential threat to Varahamihira's scientific career. However, she exceeded him in the accuracy of her predictions, and at some point, either her husband (or father-in-law) or a hired hand (or possibly Khana herself under great duress) cut off her tongue to silence her prodigious talent . This is a theme that resonates in modern Bengali feminism, as in this poem by Mallika Sengupta, khanaa's song:
Listen o listen:
Hark this tale of Khanaa
In Bengal in the Middle ages
Lived a woman Khanaa, I sing her life
The first Bengali woman poet
Her tongue they severed with a knife
- Mallika Sengupta, Amra hasya amra larai, tr. Amitabha Mukerjee
Through the centuries, Khana's advice has acquired the character of an oracle in rural Bengal (modern West Bengal, Bangladesh and parts of Bihar). Ancient versions in Assamese and Oriya also exist.
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#bangla #khanar #bachan #download #angla #song #read #khonar #bochon #vachan #in #bengali #book #language # Khana Maxim # # # voices biography of the # # of # of # of books #khona #khana #bachana proverb adage #free # # # # What is the word of the # # # words of advice # # # express reservations about #
by Z####:
Its very important application... I love this but also missed many of quotes :(