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개발자 연락처 :
강남구 대치동 901-55 ☞ Video Training specializes in computer programs registered with the Department of Education is a lifelong education facilities.
There is a video tutorial to grasp credits and qualifications, employment and in practice is very helpful. ♥
Please do not hesitate to learn and easy video applications
[1] changed suddenly to meet Hangul 2007
[2] Document the start of work
[3] The basics of editing a document chopper
[4] the shapes of the letters, paragraphs look
[5] A. The first letter decoration, shape copy, style, utilizing
[6] A. code / bullets into side border background
[7] Create a table
[8] Table Decorating
[9] Auto-fill, calculation, utilizing the caption into
[10] Insert Picture, creating text boxes, shapes, loading
[11] draw the yard, writing well, creating charts
[12] multi division, based side features
[13] The header / footer, footnotes / endnotes
[14] Page No. numbering, bookmarks / hyperlinks
[15] Contents (TOC) and browse (index) Create
[16] AutoText, and macros
[17] The mail merge feature, search and replace
[18], spelling correction, making presentations, documents, notes, insert
[19] Creating labels, manuscript writing, utilizing input helper
[20] The version information, export, use Help