About Our Rituals
Rituals or sacraments or Samskaras or acts of reverence are practices that are observed or performed on a regular basis. Rituals help build regularity; regularity in communing with the divine, either internal or manifested in the form of an external symbol. The Hindu scriptures have it that consistent observance of rituals along with an active pursuit of their inner meaning can lead the observer on to the path of spirituality.
Rituals can also help observers develop a higher sense of morality. The Bhojana Vidhi set of observances, for instances, can help us develop a keen sense of respect and appreciation for the effort that went into the production and preparation of food and its beneficial effects upon us. Amavasya Darpanam can help us develop an awareness of our forefathers and engender respect for our elders.
The Our Rituals app is a comprehensive compendium and DIY guide to ritual practice for all Hindus. This version presents the daily and monthly rituals practiced by the Iyers of South India as per Rig Vedic norms. The ritual practice guides for other demographies will be added in a phased manner.
Unlike most of the existing Apps and ritual guidebooks, Our Rituals is synced with the Hindu calendar and provides an automated generation of Sankalpa-related mantras. In addition, upon the user providing his/her Gotra, Sutra and Veda details, Our Rituals also automatically provides the user with Pravara-related mantras and utterances.
Ritual practice guides are available as videos (for Suryanamaskara and Yagnopavitha Dharanavithi) – you can see, learn and practice; and as audio tracks for the other rituals – you can chant along
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by V####:
Allow for skipping or going back previous page for sandhyavandhanam .currently it does not allow that. It's infinitely looping at sankalpam