About IQ Champ
Why IQ champ is different from other traditional IQ test and gaming apps?
IQ champ is the only app with a evolving question bank. It doesn't have a static set of questions and all questions are loaded from internet therefore, it does not reduce mobile data storage.
What type of questions it is offering?
All questions are logical questions based on mathematics, languages and culture.
Application offers 3 difficulty levels for users. Users can choose their level. For each difficulty level, 10 questions are generated randomly from the question bank.
Time is based on the questions and difficulty level.
Difficulty Level :
Easy - 3 Options
Medium - 4 Options
Hard - 5 Options
History option gives you the ability to compare your achievements with previous results. You can also share your results with Facebook friends.
If you are not sure about certain questions, skip them first and move on to those you are confident about.
Once you have finished the test, you can see number of correct answers. We will also give you tips for the questions you've answered incorrectly so that you can learn from your mistakes.
by X####:
Loved the twist in the questions and was, really impressed with the positive feedback you get for finishing the quiz :)