About Guardian Muchengeti
Guardian Muchegeti is a mobile application specifically designed for Zimbabweans at home and abroad.
The application has many uses and users can browse through the modules to see others’ posts.
The modules that the application has are as follows:
EMERGENCIES, LOST, FOUND, STOLEN, MISSING/WANTED, TRADE, THE VINE (For community based questions and advice)
Users are encouraged to use the various modules to warn, update and notify the community of any activity which falls within the specific modules.
Post your emergencies, let the community see and assist if need be. Post your lost items, found items, stolen items, missing or wanted people, and the community will see your posts. There is also a search toolbar at the top of every module whereby users can search posts using key words.
The Trade module is designed for users wanting to buy or sell using the application. All relevant posts will be seen by the community.
The Vine is really a community grapevine where users can seek advice, post advice or questions to the community. This may be anything unrelated to the other modules. For example:
‘Where and how do we get Zimbabwe passports renewed?’
‘Looking for a reliable and cheap painter?’ Etc…
Users can comment on all posts, thus creating a spirit of social community across all modules.
Please note that all posts are moderated. Should the Guardian Muchengeti team find a post inappropriate it will be deleted before reaching the public. Comments are not moderated so please take great care not to be offensive. Offensive users will be banned and deleted.
Guardian Muchengeti will not tolerate posts of a sexual nature, political nature, racially and religiously abusive, posts that contain hate speech of any sort nor any scams of any sort.
Users download and use this mobile application of their free will and choice.
Owners, management and associates will not be held responsible for damages or claims that may result from dealings and associations that occur on the application.
Guardian Muchengeti is free to download and use. Owners, management and associates also lay no claim to gains made by individuals trading through the application.
by F####:
Extraordinary app, certainly help many! Just what we needed in Zimbabwe!!!