About GoAstro
Astrology has its roots in ancient Vedic occultism. The Vedic seers considered the Jyotish Shastra, which dealt with the knowledge of the future, as an important limb of the Vedas. The antiquity of the Vedas themselves is lost in archaic tunes and any effort to fix their origin is beyond human capability. The authorship of the various scriptures is attributed to several different seers, but none of them claimed originality. They merely recorded the wisdom they had heard or remembered. Time has not tarnished their work. During the course of human civilization the intellectual horizon of mankind has expanded and new lights have begun to shine from the ancient wisdom. With every new revelation, the ancient wisdom becomes yet more profound. But as yet, we have not succeeded in identifying the original foundation upon which the superstructure was raised, or the eternal spring from which these drops of nectar are drawn.
In astrological prediction, it is important to examine the nature of planetary combinations, the nature and strength of the planets and their influence on the bio-psychological field of the individual. The complete human individual consists of various subtle sheaths, has certain inherent impulses received at the time of birth, and is related to different levels of manifestation. These characteristics are reflected in the pattern of plane tary combinations. During the course of worldly evolution and the emergence of individualized human souls, different kinds of concretization take place, both in the individual as well as in the manifested universe. But the basic link is never severed. The different houses in the natal chart and the planetary connections with the
houses reflect these eternal relationships, and are the basis upon which the nature of the individual, his course of unfoldment, and the direction towards which his life is moving can be known. For a proper understanding of oneself, this knowledge is very helpful. The trials and tribulations of life, the selection of a career, the pleasant and sorrowful experiences in human relationships .
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