About Classic Brands Vidin
Classic Brands are venues, located in Vidin, Bulgaria. They are Restaurant Classic, Pizzeria Classic, Lounge Cafe, Vision Cafe & Patisserie, the Summer Garden, Paradise Bistro and Night Bar Siluett. This app will help you explore information about these venues, find them in Vidin or call them if you need to book or ask a question.
Ресторант Класик, пицария Класик, Lounge Cafe, Vision Cafe, Лятната градина, Парадайз бистро и нощен бар Силует са заведения във Видин. С това мобилно приложение, може да разгледате снимки от тях, както и друга информация относно оферти и менюта. То ще Ви помогне да ги намерите, както и да се обадите за резервация или ако имате въпрос. Classic Brands are venues, located in Vidin, Bulgaria. They are Restaurant Classic, Pizzeria Classic, Lounge Cafe, Vision Cafe & Patisserie, the Summer Garden, Paradise Bistro and Night Bar Siluett. This app will help you explore information about these venues, find them in Vidin or call them if you need to book or ask a question.
Classic restaurant, pizzeria Classic, Lounge Cafe, Vision Cafe, Summer Garden, Paradise bistro and nightclub Silhouette institutions are in Vidin. With this mobile application, you can see pictures of them, as well as other information about offers and menus. It will help you find them, and to call for a reservation or if you have a question.