eBuget for Android
Daca te regasesti intr-una din aceste situatii, atunci eBuget este aplicatia potrivita pentru tine. eBuget te va ajuta, simplu si rapid sa preiei controlul asupra bugetului tau, sa eviti situatiile nepacute si sa vezi permanent unde pleaca fiecare ban din buzunarul tau.
Aplicatia ofera urmatoarele facilitati:
- introduci si gestionezi cheltuieli
- definesti buzunare virtuale prin care urmaresti tranzactiile si controlezi constant soldul disponibil
- setezi alerte pentru termenele de plata ale facturilor, ale cardului de credit sau orice alte scadente
- vezi statistici de cheltuieli pe categorii si subcategorii
- vezi analize ale propriilor cheltuieli zilnice si lunare
- optional, poti introduce si gestiona veniturile
Mai multe detalii si pe www.ebuget.ro.
You happened to you to see that you do not know what you spend your pocket money?If you find yourself in one of these situations, the application eBuget is right for you. eBuget will help you quickly and easily take control of your budget, to avoid any permanent nepacute and see where every penny goes in your pocket.
The application offers the following features:
- Enter and manage expenditures
- Define virtual pockets by which consistently follow control transactions and available balance
- Set alerts for terms of payment of invoices, credit card or any other outstanding
- See statistics expenditure categories and subcategories
- See the analysis of their daily and monthly expenses
- Optionally, you can enter and manage income
More details on www.ebuget.ro.
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