About ImageGrassy
ImageGrassy is a multi-touch enabled Image editing and processing tool with tons of great features and transforms. Capture live photo, edit your images, stylize, analyze, save and share.
Built with clean design theme, the app uses minimum graphics in UI so that you get maximum resources for your processing. Here are the few things that you can do with ImageGrassy:
* Capture Live photo
* Analyze with Pinch and Zoom
* Support for different orientation
* Stylize with Pencil Art, Crystalize, Pointallize, water reflection effects, Face Collage, Gallery Collage, Emboss, Contour, Oil Paint, Plastic Paint, Textured Glass Effect, Contour, Sun ray effect and many more.
* Analyze images with gray, HSV and binary conversion, edge detection, Gaussian smoothning, Filtering
* Have fun with drawing. make quick freehand drawing with color of your selection.
* Manage your images in gallery.