InstaForex for Android
This is the most useless app on this planet earth. It is better you use the web page. This will ruin you and am sure you will regret it. So, do not download it. I just lost $375 now
Not suitable for me. The app does not have the access to depo & withdraw. We have to use their website to do it.
It is getting worst after update. It is so easly lost conection... the Version before is Far Well... what the rubbish app :(
please do some action to solve the problem of easy lost connection. this is a big issue for me. thanks
This app has something wrong somehow, out of the blue I can not trade on my account anymore it just say account blocked and I do not know who to contact and how.
NOT WORTH TRYING they trying to use bonus to make u deposit and than you can withdraw which is impossible waste of time. overall rating 0/10
This app seems to be nice but I don't know much about it
I give one star because suddenly stopped my order when I get profit
THEY GIVEN BONUS IS IT POSSIBLE TO WITHDRAW THE WINNING USE free BONUS..LIke bonus is 1500 gain 300 from bonus.can withdraw 300?
I don't know much about this but I believe it will yield good profit for me.
Haha.. Macam delay skit... Unistalled la ini malam 1.16am 23/8/2017
Saya transfer 100usd ke akun lewat ib app pada jumat siang, dan sekarang udah 2 hari saya menunggu belom masuk juga. malah di email dari instaforexnya utk melakukan deposit.. padahal udah deposit... What the hell, udah ngeWA dan Email komplain tp ga ada respon.. sekarang harus gimana ?
worst app. always disconnection.
I am new to trading would like to learn
Am think about my life, and I need money to do more beussinice
On testing mode,though good
The best
It okay
What the hell happen!!??, my last 4 trades are closed exactly the same time i opened it. Leaving me with instant loss. On the last trade, my bit coin trade was closed without me knowing it, it was supposed to be profiting a lot. Please explain... How am i going to get profit if this app keep closing on the wrong time, often without me closing it
friw 11:25 You I didnt make any mistake and traded with rules and not expect that closing my account without any reason this is scaming sir insta close my account without any reason 11:40 Sergey Stepanov The Company reserves the right to deny crediting the bonus or to cancel bonus and profit made over the bonus without explaining the reason. As a rule, such actions mean violation of the bonus program or trading regulation rules or excluding a trader from the bonus program. 11:42 You i dint make mistake
I registered the account but have not received the opening bonus...noticed this when I was trying to trade what might be the fault?please give feedback soon my account is 2463323
Admin.. why don't u make this insta fx mt4 just like ikofx mt4... its easy for us to know or predict the movement of the market only using this android mt4 without pc... it will be nice... just a suggestion... Tq.
I wonder if I could have deposited real money what could've happened with my money on this Asian scam! They lie about bonus and they are difficult to get in touch with beware people this is a real scam!!!!!
Do in this app hve any signals for trading.despite i m seeing a circle that shows green 46% and red 53.3% in eur usd but is that any signal also.plz tell me i m a kind of noob and beginner also in this market.hopeing for get reply from insta authority.
InstaForex MobileTrader sangat bagus, saya sangat terbantu setelah mengunduh aplikasi ini. Semua hal mengenai forex trading menjadi lebih mudah. Trading dengan InstaForex MobileTrader menjadi lebih mudah, praktis, efisien, dan yang paling penting adalah bisa dibawa kemanapun, bisa trading kapanpun dan dimanapun saya mau, jauh lebih praktis ketika saya trading menggunakan komputer.
Sekarang kalau mau Trading ga harus bawa leptop kemana-mana. cukup dengan Instaforex mobile trader jadi lebih simple, bisa trading dimana dan kapan saja. Terimakasih InstaforexSekarang kalau mau Trading ga harus bawa leptop kemana-mana. cukup dengan Instaforex mobile trader jadi lebih simple, bisa trading dimana dan kapan saja. Terimakasih Instaforex
Saat kondisi yang sedang terdesak tapi mengharuskan untuk tetap bertrading dengan lancar, maka aplikasi ini adalah solusinya. memanfaatkan fitur layanan yang ada didalamnya sangat membantu saya untuk bertrading tanpa batas, semoga semakin banyak lagi fitur-fitur sebanyak ini yah Instaforex.
I found othet problem 1. I cant open real account, the site cant be access. 2. When i try with demo account, i put some Open trade & close the app. But when i open the app again, my demo account just logged out and once i back logged in, all of my trade dissapeard. I'm worriying about that.
i try two different accounts still cannot login
Aplikasi ini membuat saya semakin senang dan juga untung trading. Tidak perlu lagi trading di depan komputer, saya bisa melakukannya dimanapun saya mau. Tidak harus di rumah atau di tempat kerja, saya bisa trading di jalan, tempat makan, stasiun, bandara, bahkan di mall sekalipun. Mudah, praktis, bisa dibawa kemanapun hanya dengan mengunduh aplikasi ini di smartphone saya. Keren!!
I had purchased 0.05 pips EUR USD end up with loose but I didn't closed the session, closed automatically
Dengan menggunakan aplikasi ini saya merasa trading semakin lancar. Saya menyarankan untuk semua trader segera download aplikasi ini karena aplikasi ini akan sangat berguna dan memiliki banyak manfaat untuk bisa digunakan dimanapun anda berada. Saya juga dapat dengan mudah akses ke akun MT4 dan mengetahui semua jenis eksekusi, tetapi masih banyak manfaat yang lain nya.
Saya benar - benar sudah merasakan semua kegunaan dari penggunaan aplikasi instaforex mobile trader. Aplikasi ini bisa melihat semua berbagai tipe eksekusi, tipe order dan juga pending. Saya juga dapat dengan mudah mengakses berita dan analisis perusahaan yang sudah tersedia di aplikasi ini. Tidak hanya itu, dengan menggunakan instaforex mobile trader bisa langsung menuju ke akun MT4
aplikasi nya bagus dan bermanfaat,saya bisa trading dmana saja dan kapan saja,cm mau tanya nih,cara liat analisa grafik m15,m30,h1,h4,d1,mn itu gmana caranya ya,sudah otak atik masih ga nemu jg caranya,trims ya....
Its just what I want, But please make it smooth ..most of times it doesnt take orders as well as it cant close the orders ...Hope you will look into it immediately...Thankx
I've already upgrade to the latest version but still can't open order..please fix it
Kini saya dapat melakukan trading tanpa batas,di mana saya berada & kapan waktu untuk trading. Karena setelah memilih aplikasi InstaForex MobileTrader trading dapat dilakukan dimanapun dan kapanpun hanya dalam smartphone. Selain itu,aplikasi ini juga mendukung kelancaran saya mengikuti update informasi trading terbaru,melakukan transaksi online antar trader dan juga memeriksa riwayat trading akun pribadi. InstaForex MobileTrader adalah sebuah aplikasi yg melengkapi semuanya. High recommended!!
I have upgraded latest version. But not able to login.
by P####:
I just loss $177 in this app, the app will automatically close your open trades with your consent, when you ask them they will say will closed it because you're losing at 10% of your investment. What concern them with my loss and my investment I don't know, they control your account like remote! And will remote it into loss! I hate it, If I invest, leave it for me, is my investment nothing concern instaForex!