HotYooToo - Instagram Dating for Android
Wont let me log in and sign up say server is down... I rather go to Badoo
Doesnt work times out every time i try to log in
Keeps saying page doesn't exist... Fix this...
Ich finde die idee der app grundsätzlich toll, aber ich kann mich leider nicht einloggen, bitte versucht daran etwas zu ändern..
Doesn't recognize my ig account
I love dating girls
Why the f××k does it not work
Wont work
Go visit ChatterBoxMobileDating (dot) info for what you are looking for! Do not waste ur time on this fake app! Duis cursus scelerisque tincidunt. Phasellus commodo fringilla fringilla. Vivamus euismod aliquet leo. Integer eu eros sollicitudin, ornare lorem vel, bibendum ex. Sed pretium, purus eu faucibus aliquam, mauris arcu auctor diam, non imperdiet sem dui ut magna. Etiam varius odio ut mollis porttitor. Morbi et pretium quam. Donec auctor viverra justo vel consequat. Nam mauris risus, varius id nisl a, tincidunt pharetra purus. Nullam ante magna, maximus sit amet leo a, consectetur luctus neque. Praesent ultrices rutrum augue, et aliquam mi lobortis sed.
This dating site is not working properly it needs fixing uninstalling.
Kept telling me connection failed, even though it was working on all sections of app, and every other app i own was working perfectly ok. I know this is connected to instagram, but i went ot the effort of creating an instagram profile, just to realise thats the only way to connect to people. Which they wont, as a practically empty instagram looks like a fake page!
It doesn't even connect
I've tried several times and it won't let me log in
Won't let e connect, or log in help me please
It doesn't even connect
It surprises me that a large company like instagram cant make an app that works. This app wont connect in any way shape or form. Horrible
I keep getting "Page Not Found" errors when I try to add photos to complete my profile. Uninstalling.
You guys need to fix it
Dosent work when you connect to Instagram comes back page not found and you can not register.
Great idea. But then I try to log in there's always an error. Which is the main reason to have it.
All it ever says is woa calm down come back later.... 1 week later... click 'i am back' and it does nothing.. still says woa calm down..... havent even rated hot or cold... waste of tine!
It won't even let me log in. When you log in to instagram it says I followed the wrong link. Please fix this
Wont let me log in. Whats the point!!!! This app sucks. Never loads.
Logged in to instagram, cant pick a picture cause says link not available ==
Wouldn't let me sign in
It won't let me sign in to my instagram to get a picture? Help me out
Don't work
I like it!:)
Keep up the good work
Every time I log in my Instagram it says page cannot be found and then I can't upload any pictures
Good. Just started using the app and everything is very simple and nice interface.
Orginized well
An ok app
I found the one she is hot
about to get nuuudes
Really good indeed
When using correct password says wrong thats a problem I can long in any other Instagram sites I has to be app I will have Instagram to look into I don't have the time to wast as it go if I get it to work will have rating. "
can't connect :(
How do i connect to my instagram page?
by I####:
Best app. Needs option to select the age of the displayed people.