About WIA VR
HMD Virtual Reality (Hyundai Wia Seosan Factory FA System)
Experience Hyundai Wia Seosan Factory vividly with no restriction.
You can experience our factory taken by drone from the top and 360 degrees FA system virtual reality video.
This application is a mobile HMD(Head Mounted Display) application is linked with smartphone.
To experience virtual reality, you need cardboard kit or HMD. HMD Virtual Reality (Hyundai Wia Seosan Factory FA System)
Experience Hyundai Wia Seosan Factory vividly with no restriction.
You can experience our factory taken by drone from the top and 360 degrees FA system virtual reality video.
This application is a mobile HMD (Head Mounted Display) application is linked with smartphone.
To experience virtual reality, you need cardboard kit or HMD.