About Demo
SnapViva helps user to share their life experience with friends in a unique way by taking photo with beautiful photo frame of "Brands, Events & Merchants". Not only user'll get rewarded by sharing the beautiful photo to FB, his/her friends could also use the photo as a coupon to redeem a reward!
Process is easy like a piece of cake.
1. Snap
2. Share
3. Get rewarded
* Photo coupon is generated automatically for your friends
Create a photo coupon for friends and get rewarded now! SnapViva helps user to share their life experience with friends in a unique way by taking photo with beautiful photo frame of "Brands, Events & Merchants". Not only user'll get rewarded by sharing the beautiful photo to FB, his / her friends could also use the photo as a coupon to redeem a reward!
Process is easy like a piece of cake.
1. Snap
2. Share
3. Get rewarded
* Photo coupon is generated automatically for your friends
Create a photo coupon for friends and get rewarded now!