Servis Smarphone Android for Android
Didalam aplikasi ini terdapat dua versi, Ofline dan juga online.
Ofline adalah aplikasi pokok yang bisa dibuka walau smarphone anda tidak terhubung dengan koneksi internet.
Online adalah aplikasi blog yang selalu kami update yang bisa anda akses jika smarphone anda terhubung dengan jaringan internet. Disini kami juga menerima request tentang kerusakan yg terjadi pada smarphone anda.
Application service andoid smartphone is a tutorial application that contains a tutorial on how to replace batrai, replace the LCD, touchscreen Change, and the damage that occurred in parts of the machine as well as damage to the charger connector / charger, microphone, DLL.In this application there are two versions, ofline and also online.
Ofline is the principal application that can open even if your smartphone is not connected with an internet connection.
Online is always our blog application updates that you can access if your smartphone is connected to the Internet network. Here we also received a request about the damage being done to your smartphone.