ini adalah aplikasi berita, diambil dari website infoeventband.com, yang populer di indonesia, menyediakan ribuan informasi, pergerakan band, kesempatan ribuan manggung, berbagai macam promosi, band-band, lagu-lagu, event, aktivitas peliputan, wawancara, foto, kamu bisa dapatkan info event setiap bulan disini, ayo,, biar kan bandmu, bersinar !!
more info :
This is a news application, taken from the website infoeventband.com, which is popular in Indonesia, providing thousands of information, movement of bands, thousands of gig opportunities, various promotions, bands, songs, events, event coverage, interviews, photos, you can get information event every month here, come on, let's your band, shine!!
INFOEVENTBAND.COM, is one of the indie website, the information is also engaged as a media campaign, which focuses on a segment of music, especially the world of bands, including promoting events, look for a variety of information on stage, as well as promoting the band.
Our web movement began in late 2010, as a commitment to participate and contribute to the development of music, which through the web, we do a variety of movements spread of information needed for the band
The above, the support by linking to our website to various social networks, like facebook, twitter etc, where all the news we publish, it also automatically spread to dozens of social networks that belong to our affiliates, which every single account, group, pages , has thousands friendlist, so if totalized can reach tens of thousands friendlist (connection), and we may publish it repeated the same story though, as it is, it encourages visitors from man "band", "Event Organizer "and the" General Public "may also be" Music Business Performer "for visiting our website and receive all the information on our website.
Not only that we do, we also optimize what's known in the world of internet, namely technique of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), where we constantly preach the info with the keywords of interest, which encourages someone found us on the web search engines, such as google search, which is now our website has always occupied FIRST PAGE GOOGLE SEARCH with key words, "CARI INFO MANGGUNG", "PROMOSI BAND", "CARI INFO EVENT", and many other keywords, then we have won the competition more than 19 million keywords available (google.co.id)
Not satisfied, we also do ofline movements, such as the distribution of brochures / pamphlets, standing banner installation, coverage, interviews, working with the Event Organizer, moving as a media partner at hundreds of events, and we also do our own program called Event Music Charts are selecting featured songs from the bands, which in turn we provide a free gig opportunities in various locations / events that work with us, as well as spreading the compilation CD Music Charts event to various live music events taking place, the inside cover of the CD is listed multiple media, business music etc ... and we are also working with several online radio in a special event once a week, so that the movements we are encouraging "curious / want to know" that eventually people visiting our website.
we also undertake various promotional ways, one through the IEB BLAST SMS services, we collect any mobile phone number of bands, media, event organizers into a database, so we can spread the notification / reporting directly through their mobile phone, which has reached more than 400 numbers.
Given the changes that many Internet users also use the tablet / android phone too, we have also arranged for our friendly website accessible to the media, as well as create Android applications.
yes, because this is a promotional website, so we opened wide the promotional materials along the positive and do not violate the norm, or rule of law.