About Aneka Resep Olahan Ikan Baru
Ikan sebagai makanan merujuk pada pemanfaatan ikan dan bagian tubuh ikan (daging, organ tubuh, minyak ikan, dan sebagainya) sebagai bahan makanan. Istilah "ikan" dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dapat merujuk kepada organismenya atau suatu bahan makanan. Untuk makanan laut yang tidak spesifik hanya pada ikan melainkan juga pada organisme lain seperti kerang dan timun laut dapat merujuk kepada boga bahari.
Boga bahari, makanan laut atau hidangan laut (bahasa Inggris: seafood) adalah sebutan untuk makanan berupa hewan dan tumbuhan laut yang ditangkap, dipancing, diambil dari laut maupun hasil budidaya. Burung dan burung air yang terdapat di laut tidak termasuk ke dalam makanan laut.
Di beberapa negara, istilah "makanan laut" juga mencakup mamalia laut, ikan dan kerang yang ditangkap atau dikumpulkan nelayan dari air tawar (danau dan sungai). Makanan laut merupakan sumber protein, lemak, vitamin, dan mineral (seng, zat besi, selenium, magnesium, dan iodium).
Moluska: cumi-cumi, kerang, tiram, gurita
Crustacea: udang (rebon, udang windu, udang putih, udang karang), kepiting
Echinodermata: teripang, bulu babi
Rumput laut
Fish as a food refers to the use of fish and fish body parts (meat, organs, fish oil, and so on) as a food ingredient. The term "fish" in everyday life can refer to the organism or a foodstuff. For seafood that is not specific only to fish but also in other organisms such as mussels and sea cucumbers may refer to seafood.
Seafood, seafood or seafood (English: seafood) is the name for the animal and plant food such as seafood caught, fished, taken from the sea and aquaculture. Birds and water birds at sea are not included into the seafood.
In some countries, the term "seafood" also include marine mammals, fish and shellfish caught or collected fishermen from freshwater (lakes and rivers). Seafood is a source of protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals (zinc, iron, selenium, magnesium, and iodine).
Mollusks: squid, mussels, oysters, octopus
Crustaceans: shrimp (rebon, tiger shrimp, white shrimp, crayfish), crab
Echinoderms: sea cucumbers, sea urchins
Seaweed Fish as a food refers to the use of fish and fish body parts (meat, organs, fish oil, and so on) as a food ingredient. The term "fish" in everyday life can refer to the organism or a foodstuff. For seafood that is not specific only to fish but also in other organisms such as mussels and sea cucumbers may refer to seafood.
Seafood, seafood or seafood (English: seafood) is the name for the animal and plant food such as seafood caught, fished, taken from the sea and aquaculture. Birds and water birds at sea are not included into the seafood.
In some countries, the term "seafood" also include marine mammals, fish and shellfish caught or collected fishermen from freshwater (lakes and rivers). Seafood is a source of protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals (zinc, iron, selenium, magnesium, and iodine).
Mollusks: squid, mussels, oysters, octopus
Crustaceans: shrimp (rebon, tiger shrimp, white shrimp, crayfish), crab
Echinoderms: sea cucumbers, sea urchins
Fish as a food Refers to the use of fish and fish body parts (meat, organs, fish oil, and so on) as a food ingredient. The term "fish" in everyday life can refer to the organism or a foodstuff. For seafood that is not specific only to fish but Also in other organisms such as mussels and sea cucumbers may refer to seafood.
Seafood, seafood or seafood (English: seafood) is the name for the animal and plant food such as seafood caught, fished, taken from the sea and aquaculture. Birds and water birds at sea are not included into the seafood.
In some countries, the term "seafood" Also include marine Mammals, fish and shellfish caught or collected fishermen from freshwater (lakes and rivers). Seafood is a source of protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals (zinc, iron, selenium, magnesium, and iodine).
Mollusks: squid, mussels, oysters, octopus
Crustaceans: shrimp (rebon, tiger shrimp, white shrimp, crayfish), crab
Echinoderms: sea cucumbers, sea urchins