About Aneka Resep Olahan Singkong
Singkong, yang juga dikenal sebagai ketela pohon atau ubi kayu, adalah pohon tahunan tropika dan subtropika dari keluarga Euphorbiaceae. Umbinya dikenal luas sebagai makanan pokok penghasil karbohidrat dan daunnya sebagai sayuran
Merupakan umbi atau akar pohon yang panjang dengan fisik rata-rata bergaris tengah 2-3 cm dan panjang 50-80 cm, tergantung dari jenis singkong yang ditanam. Daging umbinya berwarna putih atau kekuning-kuningan. Umbi singkong tidak tahan simpan meskipun ditempatkan di lemari pendingin. Gejala kerusakan ditandai dengan keluarnya warna biru gelap akibat terbentuknya asam sianida yang bersifat racun bagi manusia.
Umbi singkong merupakan sumber energi yang kaya karbohidrat namun sangat miskin protein. Sumber protein yang bagus justru terdapat pada daun singkong karena mengandung asam amino metionin.
Jenis singkong Manihot esculenta pertama kali dikenal di Amerika Selatan kemudian dikembangkan pada masa pra-sejarah di Brasil dan Paraguay. Bentuk-bentuk modern dari spesies yang telah dibudidayakan dapat ditemukan bertumbuh liar di Brasil selatan. Meskipun spesies Manihot yang liar ada banyak, semua varitas M. esculenta dapat dibudidayakan.
Produksi singkong dunia diperkirakan mencapai 184 juta ton pada tahun 2002. Sebagian besar produksi dihasilkan di Afrika 99,1 juta ton dan 33,2 juta ton di Amerika Latin dan Kepulauan Karibia.
Cassava, also known as cassava or manioc, is a tropical and subtropical annual tree of the family Euphorbiaceae. Tuber is widely known as a staple food-producing carbohydrates and leaves as a vegetable
A tuber or root of a tree with the physical length of an average diameter of 2-3 cm and a length of 50-80 cm, depending on the type of cassava planted. Tuber flesh is white or yellowish. Cassava tubers no shelf life even though placed in the refrigerator. Symptoms of damage marked with a dark blue color due to the formation of cyanide which are toxic to humans.
Cassava is a carbohydrate-rich energy resources but very poor in protein. Good sources of protein actually contained in the cassava leaves because it contains the amino acid methionine.
Varieties of cassava, Manihot esculenta first became known in South America later developed in the pre-history in Brazil and Paraguay. Modern forms of the species that have been cultivated to be found growing in the wild in southern Brazil. Although wild Manihot species there are many, all varieties can be cultivated M. esculenta.
Cassava production is predicted to reach 184 million tonnes in 2002. Most of the production is produced in Africa 99.1 million tonnes and 33.2 million tonnes in Latin America and the Caribbean. Cassava, also known as cassava or manioc, is a tropical and subtropical annual tree of the family Euphorbiaceae. Tuber is widely known as a staple food-producing carbohydrates and leaves as a vegetable
A tuber or root of a tree with the physical length of an average diameter of 2-3 cm and a length of 50-80 cm, depending on the type of cassava planted. Tuber flesh is white or yellowish. Cassava tubers no shelf life even though placed in the refrigerator. Symptoms of damage marked with a dark blue color due to the formation of cyanide which are toxic to humans.
Cassava is a carbohydrate-rich energy resources but very poor in protein. Good sources of protein actually contained in the cassava leaves because it contains the amino acid methionine.
Varieties of cassava, Manihot esculenta first became known in South America later developed in the pre-history in Brazil and Paraguay. Modern forms of the species that have been cultivated to be found growing in the wild in southern Brazil. Although wild Manihot species there are many, all varieties can be cultivated M. esculenta.
Cassava production is predicted to reach 184 million tonnes in 2002. Most of the production is produced in Africa 99.1 million tonnes and 33.2 million tonnes in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Cassava, Also known as cassava or manioc, is a tropical and subtropical annual tree of the family Euphorbiaceae. Tuber is Widely known as a staple food-producing carbohydrates and leaves as a vegetable
A tuber or root of a tree with the physical length of an average diameter of 2-3 cm and a length of 50-80 cm, Depending on the type of cassava planted. Tuber flesh is white or yellowish. Cassava tubers no shelf life even though placed in the refrigerator. Symptoms of damage marked with a dark blue color due to the formation of cyanide roomates are toxic to humans.
Cassava is a carbohydrate-rich energy resources but very poor in protein. Good sources of protein actually contained in the cassava leaves Because it contains the amino acid methionine.
Varieties of cassava, Manihot esculenta Became first known in South America later developed in the pre-history in Brazil and Paraguay. Modern forms of the species that have been cultivated to be found growing in the wild in southern Brazil. Although wild Manihot species there are many, all varieties can be cultivated M. esculenta.
Cassava production is predicted to reach 184 million tonnes in 2002. Most of the production is produced in Africa 99.1 million tonnes and 33.2 million tonnes in Latin America and the Caribbean.