Caffe&lounge bar Voulez Vous

Caffe&lounge bar Voulez Vous Free App

Rated 5.00/5 (9) —  Free Android application by Miroslav Maksimovic

About Caffe&lounge bar Voulez Vous

Zvanična android aplikacija Caffe&lounge bara Voulez Vous Prijedor

-Meni na dlanu

-Pomoću ove aplikacije mozete naručiti raznovrsnu hranu čije cijene mozete da pogledate u meniju same aplikacije.

-Dostava naručene hrane je potpuno besplatna u Prijedoru !

Smješten u uglu ulica Nikole Pašića i Svetosavske caffe&lounge bar Voulez Vous predstavlja idealno mesto za Vaš doručak uz prvu jutarnju kafu, uživanje u specijalitetima kuhinje sa poslovnim partenerima ili za noćni izlazak.
Opustite se i dozvolite nam da vas povedemo na put oko mediterana u jednom zalogaju.
Osetite čari neobičnih začina, svežinu namirnica i domaćeg vina.Koncept ovog malog raja je upravo hedonizam koji se provlači kroz sve aspekte restorana: enterijer , gastronomsku ponudu i bogatu vinsku kartu i naravno moderan nameštaj je ono što ovaj kafe-restoran razlikuje od drugih sličnih mesta u gradu.
Osmišljen je tako da i najveći perfekcionisti budu u potpunosti oduševljeni njegovim ambijentom .
Osoblje Voulez Vous-a izuzetno je ljubazno i pobrinuće se da prijatna atmosfera i pozitivna energija koja vlada ovim kafe restoranom bude potpuna.
Voulez Vous je porodican restoran kapaciteta 145 sjedećih mjesta savrsen i za organizovanje poslovnih ruckova, vecera i okupljanja.
Sve u svemu, fino balansirana doza neformalnosti i topline uz odličnu kuhinju, efektnu prezentaciju i vrlo povoljne cene. The official android application Caffe & lounge bar Voulez Vous Prijedor

-I'm In the palm of your hand

 -use This application, you can order a variety of foods whose prices you can look in the menu of the application itself.

 -Dostava Ordered food is completely free of Prijedor!

 Located in the corner of the street Nikola Pasic and Svetosavske cafe lounge & bar Voulez Vous is an ideal place for your breakfast with the morning coffee, enjoy the specialties from the kitchen empowered with business or for a night out.
Relax and let us take you on a journey around the Mediterranean in one bite.
  Feel the magic of unusual spices, fresh foods and homemade vina.Koncept this little paradise just hedonism that permeates all aspects of the restaurant: interior, cuisine and an extensive wine list and of course modern furniture is what this cafe-restaurant is different from other similar cities in town.
It is designed so that most perfectionists are completely thrilled with his surroundings.
Staff Voulez Vous has extremely friendly and will ensure that the friendly atmosphere and positive energy that prevails in this cafe restaurant is full.
     Voulez Vous is a family restaurant with capacity of 145 seats, and perfect for business lunches, dinners and gatherings.
  All in all, a fine-balanced dose of informality and warmth with excellent cuisine, effective presentation and very reasonable prices.

How to Download / Install

Download and install Caffe&lounge bar Voulez Vous version 1.3.2 on your Android device!
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Android package:, download Caffe&lounge bar Voulez Vous.apk

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- Podrska za android 7 - Nougat

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