Geologi Dasar

Geologi Dasar Free App

Rated 5.00/5 (3) —  Free Android application by IMK-DEV


About Geologi Dasar

Aplikasi ini berisi kumpulan teori geologi dasar yang membahas tentang pengenalan geologi, bumi dan tata surya, anatomi bumi, dinamika bumi, minerals, definition and classes, mineral Identification, Rock, batuan beku dan masih banyak lagi.

Aplikasi geologi dasar sangat Cocok digunakan untuk Anda yang sedang menempuh kuliah program studi geologi.

Kenapa harus mengunduh aplikasi Geologi Dasar?

Teori yang disajikan didalam aplikasi ini cukup lengkap. Selain itu tampilan aplikasi ini juga sangat sederhana dan ringan. Anda bisa menghafal / mencari teori geologi dasar tanpa harus terhubung dengan koneksi internet.
Fitur :
- Ketegori: Pengenalan Geologi, Bumi dan Tata Surya, Anatomi Bumi, Dinamika Bumi, Minerals, Definition and Classes, Mineral Idetification, Rock, Batuan Beku, Batuan Metamorf, Sedimentary Rock, Fossils, Lempeng Tektonik Gempa Bumi, Deformasi Kerak Bumi, Pelapukan, Gerak Massa masih banyak lagi lainnya.

- Mudah digunakan
- Aplikasi ringan

Tak ada gading yang tak retak. Tentu dalam penyajian konten di aplikasi ini mungkin terdapat kekeliruan baik itu kesalahan ketik, tanda baca dan lain-lain. Namun Kami akan terus berusaha memberikan yang terbaik untuk perubahan yang lebih baik.

Semoga aplikasi ini memberikan manfaat. This application contains a collection of basic geological theory that discusses the introduction of geology, the earth and the solar system, the anatomy of the earth, the dynamics of the earth, minerals, definition and classes, mineral identification, Rock, igneous and much more.

Application basic geology is very Suitable for you who are taking college courses geology.

Why should download apps Basic Geology?

The theory presented in this application is complete. In addition this application is also very simple and lightweight. You can memorize / looking for basic geological theory without having to connect to the internet connection.
- category: Introduction to Geology, Earth and the Solar System, Anatomy of the Earth, Dynamics of the Earth, Minerals, Definition and Classes, Mineral Idetification, Rock, Rock Frozen, metamorphic rocks, sedimentary Rock, Fossils, Plate Tectonics Earthquakes, deformation of Earth's crust, weathering, Mass motion many others.

- Easy to use
- Application of light

There is no ivory that is not cracked. Certainly in the presentation of content on this application may be a good mistake it for typos, punctuation and others. However, we will continue to strive to provide the best for a better change.

Hopefully, this application provides benefits.

How to Download / Install

Download and install Geologi Dasar version 1.0 on your Android device!
Downloaded 50+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: com.imkdev.teknikgeologidasar, download Geologi Dasar.apk

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