About LabMedya
LabMedya, adından da anlaşılacağı üzere laboratuvar sektöründeki medya kanalı olarak hizmet etmektedir. İçeriği tamamen bağımsız, özgür ve sektörel konuları kapsadığından her sayısı merakla beklenen yayın gruplarını barındırır.
Labmedya, laboratuvar teknolojileri ve sağlık yayınıdır. Biomedya, biyoteknoloji ve yaşam bilimleri ile ilgili türkiyenin ilk yayınıdır. Labsektör, laboratuvar sektörüne yönelik iş dünyası yayınıdır. Cosmilife, kozmetik sektör ve bilimi yayınıdır. Labmedya mobil uygulaması ile tüm bu yayınlara istediğiniz yerden erişebilir okuyabilirsiniz.
Labmedya serves as a media channel of the laboratory sector as the name suggests. Inholds publications which have both sectoral and original contents. Also next issues are awaited impatiently.
Labmedya is laboratuvar technology and health publication. Biomedya is first publication of Turkey related to biotechnology and the life sciences. Labsektör is business publication related to laboratuary sector. Cosmilife is cosmetic industry and science publication. With Labmedya mobile app, you can access from anywhere to all these publications. Labmedy to serves as a media channel in the laboratory sector, as its name suggests. Content is completely independent, free, and any number of sectoral issues that include the highly anticipated release contains groups.
Labmedy a lab tech and health publications. Biomedy is Turkey's first publications related to the biotechnology and life sciences. Labsekt the business world for the laboratory industry publication. Cosmilif to is broadcasting the cosmetics industry and science. You can read the Labmedy mobile application can access from anywhere to all these publications.
Labmedy the media channel serves as a laboratory of the sector, as the name suggests. Inholds publications which have both sectorfield and original contents. Also next issues are impatiently awaited.
Labmedy the publication is laboratory technology and health. Biomedy the first publication of Turkey is related to biotechnology and the life sciences. Labsekt it is related to the business publication laboratuary sector. Cosmilif the publication is cosmetic industry and science. With Labmedy mobile app, you can access from anywhere to all these publications.