About Zastave
Aplikacija Zastave bi trebala da dosadno i dugotrajno ucenje zastava zemalja, pretvori u zanimljivu igru. Pored zastava, za one koji zele nesto vise tu je dugme-"SAZNAJ VISE" koje im omogucava da saznaju jos neke zanimljivosti o toj drzavi. Varanje je onemoguceno time da je dugme saznaj vise "onemoguceno" dok se na pitanje ne odgovori. Uzivajte u ucenju! Application Flags should dull and long-term learning flag countries, converted into an interesting game. In addition to the flag, for those who want something more there is Dugme "READ MORE" that allows them to find out some other interesting facts about the country. Cheating is disabled time that the button on this title more "disabled" until the question is answered. Enjoy learning!