Al-Quran Tafsir Ibne Katheer for Android
Every time I tap on a subject that I want to read the app either stops completely or it gives me the wrong information. Frustrating and misleading. If you, who made this app is Muslim, then show some respect when mentioning Rasul ALLAH ( sal ALLAHU AKAYHI wa salaam) and not just the prophet and if you are shy because of wanting to please the kufaar, then do what you like.
Very informative. May Allah bless the app producers.
May the almighty Allah strengthen u the owner
Jazakallahu kairan
Best all
As for the rest of the population it's very important to focus and emphasise on both basic and complementary knowledge.A killed president is better than anothing abducted vice-president.
May Allah bless you all,nice act of ibaadah
I loved it
Soo good
I like peace
Spelling mistake.... Please correct it
App is really fantastic but advertising is soo ugly and shameful, it should not go with the divine book, to be honest I don't like these pictures while reading Allah's words.
Best all
May God streanth you to do more such great things for nonArabic people. This applucation made me inspired even to memorize the Qura'n in Arabic and i already start doing so. Your reward is from God nothing to say.
by N####: