About 필묵
필묵은 전통서예의 현대적 재해석을 통하여
일상생활과 디자인에 우리 멋과 깊은 감성을
표현하고 있습니다.
By reinterpreting the traditional calligraphy,
Philmuk expresses Korean beauty and sensibility
in daily life and design.
Philmuk, 캘리그라피
개발자 연락처 :
010 - 9279 - 9942 Pilmuk modern reinterpretation of the traditional calligraphy through the
Our daily lives and the design is stylish and deep sensibility
Is expressed.
By reinterpreting the traditional calligraphy,
Philmuk expresses Korean beauty and sensibility
in daily life and design.
Philmuk, calligraphy