49 Ide Kreatif Gazebo Modern for Android
Gazebo merupakan suatu bangunan yang ada di taman, biasanya tiap sisinya terbuka karena sesuai dengan tujuan utamanya, gazebo merupakan tempat yang nyaman untuk menikmati taman. Dengan sisi yang terbuka, Anda yang sedang berada di dalamnya dapat menikmati pemandangan taman dengan lebih bebas juga dapat menikmati udara yang bertiup tanpa terhalang penutup pada tiap sisi.
Gazebo is one of the facilities with open spaces as an alternative hangout and do leisure activities together with other family members, many are calling saung because it is used for a relaxing place. The key is a natural ambience, intimacy, comfort and beauty. This match Gazebo word which comes from the gaze (English) means to look, and ebo (Latin) means of escape, that mean more or less be the place to look out.Gazebo is an existing building in the park, usually every side open because according to its primary purpose, the gazebo is a great place to enjoy the park. With the open side, you are on the inside can enjoy views of the garden more freely can also enjoy an unobstructed air to blow the cover on each side.