Groupon Indonesia for Android
Groupon Indonesia delivers unbeatable deals for 50—70% off the best stuff to do, see, eat, and buy in lots of interesting places near you.
Download the Groupon Indonesia app to start saving on every deals you’re looking for. Whether you’re shopping for the latest fashion trends, craving a new restaurant in town, or spending work meetings daydreaming about tropical travel, a daily replenishment of deals delivers all the discounts you like.
Every deal is available to use immediately, so you’re never more than a few taps away from a relaxing massage, tickets to the night’s hottest event, or a chance to eat your favorite food.
With the Groupon Indoneisa app, You can:
★ Easily buy and redeem Groupon deals directly from your device.
★ Track your purchased vouchers by purchase and expiration date.
And there’s more:
★ Browse nearest deals around you by accessing Nearby Deals feature
★ Browse the hottest deals right now with the Featured Deals feature
★ Use Product Deals feature to enjoy low prices without settling for bargain products
★ Collect the fanciest hotel shampoos or travel to exotic destinations with Travel Deals feature
★ Get in the spirit of the season shopping fun, themed collections for holidays and events our calendars say are important
★ Look for any deal You'd like with the Search feature
So put down the coupon book and pick up the Groupon Indonesia — your ticket to explore the best each city has to offer at savings of up to 70% off.
Abis transaksi ga bs kirim voucher tiap mau klik kirim ke email lgsg keluar notif "Unfortunately groupon has stopped working .. bla bla bla" alhasil harus buka web. Ribet amattt
I strongly advise you to not using this app when you want to buy from Groupon.. just use their website to buy from groupon.. use app only when you want to see their promo
it's terrible, my signal is quite good and it's fine to use another app, but when i open this app it keep saying the connection is unstable and i need to recheck my user data. doesn't make any sense, please fix it.
Aplikasi sampah! Gue sampe debat sama merchant karena di aplikasi kalau ini paperless redemption, tapi kata merchantnya harus di print. CS Groupon juga malah menyalahkan aplikasi. Gimana sih ini ga jelas banget. Kapok
Tiap mau kirim voucher ke email slalu crash. Tiap mau buka voucher ny juga crash. Giliran mau buka account nya di web malah di bilang account not found. Padahal uda jelas' email nya terdaftar di aplikasi.
Banyak banget yg complain hall yg sama.. Mohon di running dengan baik & benar di internal baru di realease.. Ga bijaksana kalau sampai merugikan banyak pihak
Ga pernah bisa tampilin gambar promonya gimana mau beli coba. Keseringan cannot get deal from server. Padahal aplikasi lain normal.
Page nya blank dan crashes many times. Sementara ini saya uninstall dulu sampe ada perbaikan dari admin
Selalu crash, tidak pernah loading. Hanya muncul halaman putih di bagian apapun. Bahkan utk buka profile pun cuma blank putih saja.
image tidak ada yang muncul sama sekali, tidak bisa send voucher to email(error melulu), sekalinya muncul error message apps tidak bisa back to normal lagi(harus keluar dulu dari apps), masih banyak bugs nya. bikin males.. uninstal aja deh
Banyak fac atau klik disini yg ga bisa di klik.. periode waktu kuponnya ga ada.. beda jauh dengan versi web nya.. tolong di perbaiki atau ga usah di buka dlu versi mobile nya.thx
Aplikasi tidak berguna, tolong di hapus aja dr google play, nanti di launch ulang klo udh siap pakai
Semua kategori dan semua pilihan hanya menampilkan blank. Kategori Voucher ketika di klik malah membuat app crash
Knp validity period nya ga ada? Jd ragu mo beli apa ga. Gw baca comment di bawah juga ga ada dr pihak Groupon yg bales. Ga niat bikin aplikasi nih. Percuma install.
Penampilan aplikasinya sih lumayan bagus. Tapi untuk efisiensi sangat menyulitkan. Tidak bisa send voucher yang sudah dibayar ke email. Alhasil harus susah2 print voucher melalui internet itupun harus screenshot, bukan fasilitas print langsung. Aplikasinya sering crash dan sangat kaku pergerakkan nya. Mohon di improve ya karena sebenarnya groupon sangat menarik.
yah, bener juga kata komen yg lain, app yg wasting time. pengen hunting yg murah malah gak selamet. rugi.
This app only show blank page and error message ("check your internet connection"). I have checked it and My internet connection is fine. So the problem is in this app. For others please dont install this app, or you will regret as i do, useless and wasting time. Just Uninstall it.. the worst app ever..
No confirmation on the apps, whether my payment is succeed or not, only blank white page after successfully authenticating creditcard 3ds. tried to purchase again and still the same, and somehow I got a notification from my credit card's bank payment succeed, twice!! wtf?! Customer service unreachable. Geez I hate this service.
Do not download this app. Totally error. They eat your money instantly and cannot redeem any vouchers...FVCK this apps
Your app is crashed all the time and the screen is blank. It s been a week since. You guys really should invest a good techno here. People dont open their netbook all the time.
ancurrrr...ini aplikasi paling ancur menurut gw, udah gak bisa login, penawaran sering muncul double, ketika mau di beli (buy) malah error..saran sih mending perbaiki lagi deh servernya atau web development-nya biar lebih lancar lagi.
Banyak promo yang waktu di "buy" malah blank ga bisa diproses. Lalu banyak yg curang tidak tulis validity periode-nya. Udah beli vouchernya banyak banget tau2 validitynya ga sampe 2 minggu udah expired. It's a fraud!
After installed the apps i fell something doesn't feel right, after 5-10 minute i found that some promotion been loop 3-5 time, no wonder something doesn't fell right. I like groupon and used frequently via computer but honestly your apps need some investment
Fitur nearby matek atau ngga jelas. Gambar deal sering double/loop. Infomasi deal sering gk komplit, contoh deal voucher resto cabang apa aja ngga komplit. Info seperti terms & condition jg ngga bisa di akses. G pikir ini cm trouble di mobile, ternyata di browser juga sama. Ini apps sblm go public udah di test blm sih? Pecat aja yg bikin kl ngga, bikin malu aja! ∣Update oktober 2015. Harusnya dgn banyaknya complaint pihak dr disdus bisa lbh kyknya bukan adanya perubahan positif tp makin parah
Setiap kali pilih pembayaran via klik bca... walaupun sdh dimasukan id bca nya, tetap disuruh memasukan id bca... jadi percuma rasanya punya apps mobile tapi tiap kali transaksi kudu via web juga.
Pelayanan paling mengecewakan yg pernah saya dapatkan. Cs ditelfon tidak bisa, voucher sudah dibayar, tapi saya blm dpt voucher nya. Link untuk konfirmasi pembayaran error, tiba2 saya di email reminder batas pembayaran sudah habis. Gimana sih ini di email tidak ada tanggapan
Sign in ga bisa sign up juga ga bisa,respon nya cek koneksi internet,padahal sinyal lagi bagus2nya. Scroll produk ke bawah juga yg tampil produk yg sama trus. MENGECEWAKAN, percuma install aplikasi ini!
Bagaimana mau paperless redemption kalau selalu error dan close apps ketika mau buka voucher
Sebagai new user, cukup kecewa nih.. 1) Ga bisa sign-up via apps, akhirnya sign-up via web; 2) Apps selalu crash pas pilih category.. Mdh2an bugs2nya segera di fix. D tunggu update apps-nya. Thanks.
Its always say 'check your connection', the city-location feature don't work properly.
tidak user friendly dan mengecewakan.1st,sudah melakukan pembayaran dan voucher TIDAK BS di email.2nd,di redeem pun tidak bisa.3rd telpon cs (2 nomor yg tertera xxx111 dan yg utk bisnis) dua2nya tidak dapat trsambung dn tidak ada yg mnjawab. Menyesal sekali berbelanja disini.fokus promosi tp servisnya jelek.mohon diimprove.
I chose Jakarta, but still can see the deal from Surabaya. The list just go on repeat. I see the same deal in the list over and over. I'm not buying anything from this app.
mau sign up aja error connection terus katanya. betul jg menurut review yg lain, ini applikasi belum benar2 siap diluncurkan
Begitu byknya complain tdk membuat app ini semakin baik tp mlh semakin bobrok. Skrg mlh sy tdk menemukan payment by internet banking BCA. Jg tdk ada expired date produk. Kasian merchant2nya produk uda bgs konsumen byk tp layanannya bobrok.
Gabisa sign up atopun sign in..alasannya koneksi jelek mulu, padahal koneksi ku bagus bgt. Ganyangka bakal seburuk inu nih aplikasi. Menyebalkan. Sangat sangat kecewa.
Gak bisa sign in dan sign up. Selalu disurug cek koneksi padahal dipake browsing cepet. Buat apa bikin aplikasi beginian kalo ujung ujungnya harus via web juga
Selalu Error (force close) ketika klik Voucher. Please fix it
Can not show deals in the chosen city and no option to contact any customer service.. Plus, based on other reviews, basically this app is unstable & useless..
Send voucher to email make apps crashed…. 1 stars until it fixed
by R####:
Groupon masih aktif ga si? Kenapa selalu error dan ribet. Ga segampang dulu. Gue udh download 2x masih aja ga ada perkembangan. Kalo emang groupon udh ga aktif mending di hapus dr playstore. Kasian yang udah pada download ternyata aplikasinya ga berjalan lancar.