Synchronize Ultimate

Synchronize Ultimate Free App

Rated 4.10/5 (2,206) —  Free Android application by Ice Cold Apps

About Synchronize Ultimate

★★Synchronize between different clouds / protocols and use the best File Manager / File Explorer!★★

Now you can synchronize from, to and between over 100+ different clouds! And that’s not all, the app also includes the most complete file manager, with multi cloud support, you have ever seen.

How to setup synchronizing:
1. Add the required remote accounts inside the app
2. Add a Sync profile and set the left side and right side
3. Customize all the settings, save and run!

Synchronize features
- Synchronize from, to AND between over 100+ different clouds
- Define include/exclude/start/stop/condition/notification rules
- Built-in advanced file manager
- Use the PHP Script / MySQL manager / server 2 server support
- One way or two way synchronization
- Tasker / Locale / Llama plugin (action, condition AND event plugins)
- Way more!

★★Different themes!★★

File Manager features
- On tablet / HD screen use multiple File Manager fragments
- Auto upload an edited file
- Create multiple File Manager sessions
- Copy, paste, cut, move, copy, etc
- Send, Share, Email
- Zip / Unzip files (compress / decompress)
- Rename, properties, open, open as, edit, edit as
- Hidden files, select multiple, sort, server status, manual change dir
- Way more!

★★Most complete sync app!★★

Extra functionality
- Browser
- SSH Client
- Terminal / Shell
- Apps
- Processes
- Root Explorer
- Android 5.0+ (Lollipop) sdcard write support
- Android 6.0+ (Marshmallow) permission support

Protocols supported
- Email Client (POP3/IMAP)
- FTP Client / FTP FXP Client
- FTPES Client (SSL/TLS explicit)
- FTPS Client (SSL/TLS implicit)
- Gopher Client
- NFS Client
- OpenStack Object Storage Swift Client
- PHP Client Script
- PHP MySQL Client Script
- S3 Client
- SCP Client (Secure Copy Protocol)
- SFTP Client (SSH File Transfer)
- SMB Client / Samba Client / CIFS Client / Windows Share Client
- Styx Client
- TFTP Client (Trivial File Transfer Protocol)
- WebDAV Client (HTTP/HTTPS)

Cloud services supported
- 4shared
- aDrive*
- Amazon Cloud Drive
- Amazon S3
- Amazon S3 Government
- AmpliData
- Aruba Cloud
- Bigcommerce
- Bix
- Box
- CleverSafe
- Clodo
- Cloudian
- CloudMe
- CloudSafe
- Cloudwatt
- Connectria
- Constant Cloud
- Cubby
- DreamObjects
- DriveHQ*
- DriveOnWeb
- DropBox
- Dunkel Cloud Storage
- Egnyte*
- EMC Atmos
- Enter Cloud Suite
- Eucalyptus
- EVault LTS2
- eXist-db
- Exoscale
- Facebook
- FastMail
- FileCloud
- FileGenie
- FilesAnywhere
- Flickr
- GMX Mediacenter
- Folio Cloud
- GoDaddy
- Google Drive / Google Docs
- Google Sites
- Google Storage
- GreenQloud Storage Qloud
- HiDrive*
- Hightail / YouSendIt
- Hitachi Content Platform
- Host Europe
- HP
- HubiC
- IDrive
- IDriveSync
- iKeepinCloud
- Internap Aigfiles
- Iozeta Livedrive
- Jottacloud
- Jungle Disk
- Koofr
- Livedrive
- Lunacloud
- MediaFire
- Mediencenter
- Mega
- Memopal
- Memset Memstor
- MEO Cloud
- myDrive
- MySQL Backup (PHP)
- NetDocuments
- Nextcloud
- Nifty Cloud
- Nomadesk
- Oktawave
- OneDrive / SkyDrive
- OneDrive Business
- OpenDrive
- Oracle Storage Cloud Service
- Otixo
- OwnCloud
- Oxygen Cloud
- pCloud
- Pogoplug
- PowerFolder
- Pydio
- Rackspace
- SafeCopy
- Scality
- Seafile
- Seeweb Cloud
- Softlayer
- SpiderOak**
- Stack storage
- Storage Made Easy
- Storegate
- Strongspace
- SugarSync
- SwiftStack
- SwissDisk
- Synology File Station
- TappIn
- Tiscali
- ThinkOn
- Tonido
- Trend Micro SafeSync
- Wikispaces
- Yandex Disk
- Zimbra Briefcase

* only for cloud paid plans
** read only

What are the permissions for?
- SMS: Start/stop profiles and/or send notifications
- INTERNET: Hopefully obvious
- RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED: Optionally auto start
- COARSE LOCATION: Listing WIFI for start/stop rules and conditions

How to Download / Install

Download and install Synchronize Ultimate version 4.2.56 on your Android device!
Downloaded 50,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: com.icecoldapps.synchronizeultimate, download Synchronize Ultimate.apk

All Application Badges

Good rating
For everyone
Android app

App History & Updates

What's Changed
Fixed import/export bugs
Fixed and extended SMB/SMB 2 support
Fixed instant sync bugs
Improved file selection
Version update Synchronize Ultimate was updated to version 4.2.56
Version update Synchronize Ultimate was updated to version 3.0.14
More downloads  Synchronize Ultimate reached 50 000 - 100 000 downloads
Version update Synchronize Ultimate was updated to version 2.8.22

What are users saying about Synchronize Ultimate

by J####:

Appreciate the great flexibility this app provides. Works flawlessly for me but there are a few things I would like to see improved. Syncing folders or transferring files to my SMB server is Much slower (painfully so) than another app I have been using. I would also like to see more options for If-Then-And-Or type logic in the start-stop automation. Finally it would be great to see options for syncing to Elephant Drive and Sync added to the list. Overall performance is great though so five stars.

by K####:

Partially fixed not being able to write to the external SD Card, but the developer still doesn't follow through with the same in the rest of the app. There is no way to put the temp directory anywhere but the internal SD. It is like the developer has never used an app made by anyone else as how an app *should* work. Zero stars aren't possible, even for the error message, Error: Error: emulated. Really, we couldn't read the first word that says Error?

by K####:

I happily used this app for about 2 years. After the last update I lost my profiles, tried to restore from a backup, but the app couldn't read the backup file. I emailed their support, they released a new version, still unable to add my backed up profiles. Also having trouble adding my ownCloud account, as I get a handshake error.

by K####:

Good app to transfer files from one place to another. After updating the app I am facing problem in adding profile. sync profile is getting delete every time as I exit the app.I am using Android version 4.4.2 which is compatible for this app. However this app is working fine for android version 5 & above. #IceColdApps

by B####:

The profile creation save step always shows java string null pointer exception. Even when the parameters are added correctly. I do not see a developer place where i could post it. The app seems unusable due to above error.

by K####:

this is the only app I found so far that can sync to SD card properly but it synced on mobile data despite I set the condition to on Wi-Fi only! pls help! it's costing me a bomb

by K####:

A lot of great features but too many to not have a help file for. Also, spotty update record in the past with at least one update erasing settings. A good product overall that falls a little short at times.

by I####:


by U####:

Please fix Mega sync issue. Everytime I try to set up a sync profile with mega sync the app crashes. Noticed that there is no login button for megasync so maybe that is part of the problem.

by K####:

It's the only app which run in background really. If you kill it from task manager or clear RAM, still it work. Once you start and lock this app by applock then only stop by you as it's stop only from app interface, not from task manager or ram cleaning. So it's perfect.

by E####:

App continually times out (too long between copy operation) and retries from the beginning (causing same problem) instead of reconnecting and continuing. Can't find a setting to change this. I will probably need to add each sub folder as a separate sync profile which is impossible in the free version before I can see if the app works properly, and so, is worth purchasing the full version... Catch 22.

by K####:

Used to be great. Now I can't get rid of adverts even though I paid previously. No response from developer. Also doesn't work with my company One drive even though is says it should.

by K####:

Loud obnoxious pop up adds take the piss just trying to set up 1 sync and then at the end got an error message about void classes c.h.a on a null object reference. That error message is not helpful in any way

by K####:

PLZ HELP! Ie had this installed on all of my devices for a long time to sync with a greenest server and everything has worked flawlessly until now. I'm setting up my son's tab a (sm-t350) and the free version worked fine but when I purchased the full version the functionality stopped. I cannot add any profiles, selecting the left side directory in the wizard sends me into a loop with the profile name, and when I try to enter it manually and then add a start condition, it gives me a dialogue that says "something when wrong with the data. Please try again." I tried to reboot and clear the cache but it didn't work. When I uninstalled and reinstalled the problem remains but now I cannot add ANY profiles. If we can't resolve this how would I go about getting a refund? I'd rather have the free version with some functionality than none at all. **THIS IS AN AWESOME PROGRAM THAT I 'VE USED ON AROUND 6 DEVICES. I 'VE NEVER HAD THIS PROBLEM BEFORE AND IM REALLY HOPING TO FIGURE THIS OUT.**

by G####:

Not intuitive. want to sync between usb drive and memory card. Seems like a very sophisticated app, but I want simple and quick.

by K####:

I have mooved from FolderSync to this app and so far it seems to be working. First app that does not have problems with syncing remote content to my SD card. Only reason for missing a star is the complexity of settings, you need to have IT background to understand the rules and conditions... And, when selecting folders on left and right side (as long time user of Norton commander - windows commander - total commander, I like this), browser loads full contents of the folder including the files. Which might be many. Took 2 minutes to open local folder on my SD card. Load directory should be limited to loading folders only. PS I hope I have set the sync rules correctly (daily, on WiFi) :-D

by K####:

While it is one of the few apps that supports SMBv2, it doesn't seem to handle large sync very well. I'm in the process of syncing a 80+ GB share to the SD card and each time, the job will die after syncing a bit of the data, maybe half a GB or so. I've ran it multiple times and maybe have gotten a few GB done. At this rate, it'll be days before the sync is actually complete. (FYI, the share is around 86 GB, and approximately 200,000 files in 10,000 folders.) I'm most likely going to switch to rsync or so something that can handle large data sets for the priming. The logs say nothing - they just stop at whatever the last copied item. Edit: No rules, filters, just a straight manual sync with a SMB share and a SD card target. I've turned off date-changed checking since that doesn't work on SD cards apparently, and I've set the size difference to 0, since I want an exact copy.

by K####:

Two Words: SMB2-Support! I was wondering why FolderSync wouldn't sync anymore, and found the fine print that it only works with insecure SMB1. That was reason I was having trouble, and why this program is much better! Thanks! And please update your Amazon App, it's a full major version behind.

by N####:

Now does not work with 4.1.2. After creating the profiles and remote server, all data is not saved once exit the apps.

by J####:

Did not work with aws s3. I used foldersync instead.

by B####:

Great but stops halfway when synchronizing large amounts of data with the cloud i attempted to sync my 3GB one-drive directory onto my phone storage but after a few hundred megabytes where downloaded i receive an error report but aside from this issue i have benefited greatly from the services in this app and am truly grateful for the boost in productivity it has offered me

by K####:

Works great. Allows me to set up synchronization between my camera and Dropbox couldn't ask for anything more.

by K####:

Cant select created account to sync, terrible fullscreen popup ads every 30s

by K####:

Feature request: sync single files instead of folders. I use Seafile.

by P####:

Intrusive full screen ads

by K####:

When the App is closed, it deletes all the sync profiles.

by K####:

Settings are not stored in the app after I exit the app.

by K####:

Competes with FolderSync. Update soon?

by K####:

Good but could do with a few fixes and improvements to make it rock.

by T####:

Managed to get SMB working in the end. A reboot of the server fixed it.

by K####:

Does precisely what they claim, great app.

by K####:

Works like charm but uses lot of data..!!

by K####:

Force close.

by K####:

Could stand to be slightly more user friendly.

by K####:

Not working

by K####:

Very good app love it

by K####:


by A####:

Latest update breaks it. Empty nonsense dialog about picking some folder on startup, nothing to select visible. Anonymous SMB doesn't work anymore. Edit: Uninstalled, switched to FolderSync (which had similar problems with breaking updates last year, but whatever...) and recreated my configuration on several devices. Android is an environment where people HAVE to install your updates and can not roll back. You should be much more careful about breaking changes and have better tests.

by K####:

Great application. I use it with my SMB server and it works as expected. The number of synchronization providers is impressive. Wide range of synchronization triggers (e.g. power connected). Initial SD card problems were resolved in a newer release.

by H####:

Left side vs. Right side - Exactly what I was looking for. This is the only sync app I have found thus far that allows for cloud folders to be synced to custom local folders (i.e. External SD Card). Thoroughly ticks me off that the branded ownCloud app has custom folder sync options on the desktop applications, but not the mobile apps. This app resolves that problem. Well worth the $2.99 from me! Extra star coming after I use it for a bit and make sure it is worthy of the ever elusive 5th star.

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2,206 users







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