About 3DS MAX 2014 메타리얼 라이팅 VRay 강좌
☞IB96은 컴퓨터 프로그램 동영상 교육 전문으로 교육청에 등록된 평생교육시설입니다.
동영상 강의로 쉽게 배울수 있어 학점과 자격증 취득, 취업 및 실무에 크게 도움이 됩니다.♥
망설이지 말고 동영상 어플로 쉽게 배우세요
[동영상강좌 교육 내용 목차]
[1]Material의 이해
[2]자광효과와 투명도 적용하기
[3]UVWmap, Bump로 울퉁불퉁한 질감 만들기
[4]UVWmap, Bump로 울퉁불퉁한 질감 만들기
[5]Raytrace로 반사,굴절재질 만들기
[6]Multi Sub-Object로 재질적용하기
[7]Opacity, Mask, Composite-1
[8]Opacity, Mask, Composite-2
[9]Camera, Omni Light
[10]Target Direct Light (Shadow)
[11]실내 장면 연출하기 1
[12]실내 장면 연출하기 2
[13]Volume Light, Photometric Light
[14]V-Ray 이해하고 설정하기
[15]VRayMtl, VRay Light
[17]VrayMtl(Fog), VRayHDRI, VRayBlendMtl-1
[18]VrayMtl(Fog), VRayHDRI, VRayBlendMtl-2
[19]Vray Caustics
[20]VRayDisplacementMod, VRayFur
[21]VRaySun, VRayPhysicalCamera
개발자 연락처 :
강남구 대치동 901-55 ☞ IB96 Video Training specializes in computer programs registered with the Department of Continuing Education facilities.
It is easy to learn video lesson credits and qualifications, employment and practice will greatly benefit. ♥
Do not hesitate to easily learn video applications
[Training Video Course Table of Contents]
[1] Material of understanding
[2] jagwang apply effects and transparency
[3] UVWmap, Bump bumpy texture to make
[4] UVWmap, Bump bumpy texture to make
[5] Raytrace as reflection, refraction making materials
[6] Multi Sub-Object material applied to a
[7] Opacity, Mask, Composite-1
[8] Opacity, Mask, Composite-2
[9] Camera, Omni Light
[10] Target Direct Light (Shadow)
[11] produce a one-room scene
[12] produce a two-room scene
[13] Volume Light, Photometric Light
[14] V-Ray settings to understand and
[15] VRayMtl, VRay Light
[16] VRayLightMtl
[17] VrayMtl (Fog), VRayHDRI, VRayBlendMtl-1
[18] VrayMtl (Fog), VRayHDRI, VRayBlendMtl-2
[19] Vray Caustics
[20] VRayDisplacementMod, VRayFur
[21] VRaySun, VRayPhysicalCamera