Plantissimo : Plant Manager for Android
Needs paid version to get rid of ads.
Good fun app. I'd like the option to scroll though my notes about each individual plant.
Needs paid version to get rid of ads.
Hate the app does not work
Relys on user info, which is a bit unreliable. My plant has been on the site 2 weeks and not 1 guess. And the plant is not very exotic as the tag from Lowes (!) description was "common tropical"
Just what i was looking for to manage my plants and track all gardening expenses
Basic app, and not taking up too much space.
The app seems to be good when you view it for the first time. But when you get beneath the skin, it is quite hollow. Some of my observations It does provide reminders for watering, fertilizing and pesticide schedules. However it wouldn't be very useful in storing information about what fertilizer has to be used. It works only as a reminder. It does not provide an option to save details of actions taken. It does not allow us to save anything more than one picture.
Superb app. Not only I can really personilize each plant, I can also keep track of my 'garden' expenses. Well done I2C! Sony Xperia Tablet S
Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 Excellent application. Very intuitive. I always forget which plant I watered and when. Not anymore! Thank you very much for providing Plantissimo.
Great App
User friendly and extremely helpful
An extremely useful app!
Very helpful!
Can't figure out how to create or edit plants. There's no Save or Okay or anything on the plant edit screen. Just the various edit fields and a back button that cancels everything without asking first. Also has limited timers - can't remove pesticide timer, can't add new timers. (Samsung galaxy s2)
Finally, a reminder to water my plants!
Very helpful!
Excelent User friendly and extremely helpful
Great app! Just what i was looking for to manage my plants and track all gardening expenses
garden saver Finally, a reminder to water my plants!
Well done! Superb app. Not only I can really personilize each plant, I can also keep track of my 'garden' expenses. Well done I2C! Sony Xperia Tablet S
Fantastic! Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 Excellent application. Very intuitive. I always forget which plant I watered and when. Not anymore! Thank you very much for providing Plantissimo.
interesting Very helpful!
Great app! Very helpful!
Very interesting An extremely useful app!
by Z####:
Lots of plants like cactus have different water and fertilizing needs depending on seasons. It could be great to allows us to set up the full year of neading for our plant including dormancy.