Rungus English Dict. for Android
Can u please improve..could u make malay eng rungus dict..adding the meaning of rungus in malay..its the way how to make other to be easily undrstnd it..could be they are people who cannot understand more when just hve meaning in eng.. Btw..Its really helpful..thank you :)
What a wonderful app lots of rungus ppl very poor in speaking English,
I VERY PROUD TO LEARN THIS..Its so easy now I can learn Rungus
Humarap it ongo solumpak vagu tokou kadapat marajal antad diti Kamus Rungus Inggeris diti. Supaya amu atagak iti di tokou no tantu do dolou sitid pomogunan. Kounsapatan it minongurug diti Aplikasi. Kinoringan mamarakat! Amin ☺
Avantang tantu mai, katagan bahagi ko sunivagu iti/ isai nopo la it mad natagakan no do momogun om it ti barajal... I'm waiting for the improvement and update for this app...
Torima kasih tagazo amai, iti no ot ihim ihimon ku buuk, nga nenot kuno siti .
Proud to be Rungus people. Thank you Alixson. Awesome!
Minogihim oku harati do "VINAIG" adeeeh mad aso mai.. Miuma po omungan vagu.. Monginud oku update vagu..
Kipidap!! Kasi maju trus
The best Rungus dictionary..Support people!!!
Sukul po varo
Avantang tantu..
Obulii maii ..
Wonderful apps
sy..yang rungus bandar..
by L####:
Avantang bahagi dot ongo sunivagu biano no tu kinogumuai amu no kongoharati banal moro-boros do Rungus termasuk no yoku kondiri. Avantang dara vagu ong gamaan ayat tonobak kanangan dilo ongo harati ipat² ayat. :-)