About 伞来了
实拍看世界!实拍看现场!它可能是突发事件现场、走失的老人小孩、已经拆迁的老宅、户外广告牌的实时状况……也可能是“世界地球日”的全球拍摄大赛、非洲的动物大迁徙、鲸鱼的歌声、中东的难民营……还可能是明星演唱会、贫困山区需要帮助的孩子、故乡的夕阳、聚会餐厅的排队情况…… 都呈现在你的眼前。
有困难的朋友可以在这里找到帮助; The umbrella is famous for institutional investors to the development and operation of real-time multimedia trading platform, our goal is to make billions of users to participate in share trading of the Internet economy. Product is simple to use, pick up the phone to share photos videos, record their good life, but also to help others and get paid, but also to fly to get to know friends.
Sign see the world! Sign see the scene! It may be emergency scene, lost children and senior citizens, has been the demolition of the old house, the real-time status billboards ...... it may be "Earth Day" in the global competition shooting, animal migration in Africa, whale songs, Middle East camps ...... may also be star concert, poor mountainous areas children need help, the hometown sunset, party ...... restaurant queuing situation is rendered in front of you.
You need to carefully prepare photos video, so there will be like-minded friends to send you flowers, or they want to see more live on, and these will give you the appropriate remuneration.
If you want to point photos videos, investment umbrella in this position, there will be a friend to you in real time to shoot the scene, of course, you need to pay these friends remuneration.
There may be feelings of friends the poor mountainous areas children need help send flowers;
Friends are interested can find more like-minded companions;
There are playful friends can experience new ways envelopes;
Difficulty friends can find help here;