HopinGo Carpool Ride Share for Android
Useless app...Fake promotion in Colleges..saying they give bands if we download...Our senior saying they don't know about band....waste of data ...
Amazing app
In spite of uploading the necessary documents several times, the application asks to upload the documents again and again. The updating team is not alert. Even after your documents verification mail same problem exists. Even after entering presuggested start and destination points, the application says that the start and end point is not a valid address.
When try to upload docs, app unable to come out from this action
Worst app .when ever I tried to upload my rc a popup appears to update the app which redirects to play store . Even my app is up to date .back redirection of app will.always shows popup(non cancellable ) which blocks the app . Looks like app is given to public for testing . Please look at these high priority
Need refer code.. cant signup without code.
It's a nice concept. I'm unable to book rides perhaps because there aren't enough users into this. Need to get more people on board and then it surely would reduce the congestion on Bangalore Roads.
I am unable to book a ride
Nice app to reduce pollution and save money
nice app to use ... comfortable interface ... all the best ... keep using
Nice app to use .. for car pooling in metro cites
Crashes as soon as opened.
Great way to earn some bucks
Good & easy to use for less price ... Use it now & save money ...
App is good very user friendly ang idea behind the app is great in terms of traffic jams, pollution & money. When you share a ride there will be only single car as compare to 4
The inclusion of motorcycle ride is especially a great idea...much needed. This 'hop in & go' implementation was definitely much-awaited...at least for me. Both thumbs up.
It's a Wonderful App and the bike pooling is great idea. Please provide this service in Delhi too.
It is really ... very useful APP in metro cities..
Nic apps lov it
Great new app!
Mast aap bhai download kerlo jaldi yr
What a wonderful app this is
great app...!! vry much helpfull... great initiative.. lets share our vehicles.. lets #Hopingo...
Awesome app !! Will help the students alot
I hope this will become cutting edge idea to make our life much simpler.Lots of hope from you guys.Keep rocking.
Smooth app with excitinf features.
Use its than say owsm apk
Anybody can ride anywhere
Very nice initiative
Best sites
by J####:
What a wonderful app this is