About 3D Home Design
3D Home Design is a different way for architects to design homes, it is not far from the conventional 2D way of designing, but is more competitive. 3D Home Design, just like the traditional way also includes the floor plans, elevations and the perspective of the project. The only difference is that 3D Home Design features 3D Floor Plans and 3D Elevations instead of the conventional 2D.
For architects, presenting for a client using 3D Home Design can be a great advantage since the presentation will be able to capture the client's attention from the beginning, with the color rich presentations of the floor plan and elevations.
For clients having no background in architecture, watching an architect's presentation, especially with the architect showing boring 2D drawings and talking about it in technical terms that you don't even understand a bit, can be a boring task. But when an architect presents you with a 3D presentation, you will be able to understand right away what the architect is conveying. There is no need to decipher the technical terms and the plan drawings, you just need to look at the presentation and you will have an idea of what the project will look like.
3D Home Design and its components.
Presenting for a client consist of 2 phases, the primary phase and the major phase. The primary stage is the presentation of the floor plans and elevations, which was discussed in an earlier post. The major phase includes the presentation of the interior and exterior perspectives.
• 3D Interior
3D Interior presentations include views of the inside of the house in certain parts. It is for the client to see and feel how the house will look like, and if the spaces will work according to their preferences, it can also serve as an attachment to the floor plans if the client need some verifications on how a certain space in the house will look like.
• 3D Exterior
3D Exterior presentations include views of the outside of the house as a whole, including the background to apply the environment where the actual house will be built. It can also serve as a medium for the clients to see how the house will look like and it gives the chance to the client to tell the architect whether they want to change some colors or part before the construction begins.
So are you looking for Architectural Visualization tips, service and help? Just open this application of 3D Home Design and get what you are looking for! Download the application now and discover more fantastic 3D Home Design.
Enjoy and make your dream home comes true!
by S####: