About 唱誦佛菩薩聖號
1. 阿彌陀佛 (四首唱誦)
2. 觀世音菩薩 (四首唱誦)
3. 藥師佛 (二首唱誦)
4. 地藏菩薩 (二首唱誦)
5. 釋迦牟尼佛 (一首唱誦)
6. 彌勒佛 (二首唱誦) Designed as one recite numbers for themselves, seek bent chaos, but also for world beings praying.
Buddha chanting the holy name, regardless of the recitation or meditation, it all depends on your own convenience.
Buddha chanting the holy APP contains
1. Amitabha (four chanting)
2. Bodhisattva (four chanting)
3. Medicine Buddha (two chanting)
4. Jizo (two chanting)
5. Sakyamuni Buddha (a chant)
6. Maitreya (two chanting)