About eJobs.ro - Locuri de muncă
eJobs, numarul 1 in recrutarea online
Peste 270.000 de companii din toata tara si chiar din strainatate cauta candidati exact ca tine. Instaleaza aplicatia eJobs si vei fi la un pas distanta de jobul visurilor tale. Oricand si oriunde poti naviga de pe device-ul tau mobil in cautarea celor mai faine locuri de munca, adaugand noi informatii in CV-ul tau rapid si usor. Navigheaza prin baza noastra de angajatori si locuri de munca vacante si descopera jobul perfect pentru tine!
Indiferent daca esti in cautarea unui loc de munca full-time sau part-time, eJobs le are pe toate. Angajatorii din baza noastra de date cauta atat candidati pentru profilul clasic de angajare (program de luni pana vineri intre orele 9:00-18:00), cat si candidati pentru programe flexibile (cu 2 ore, 4 ore sau 6 ore lucrate zilnice), ideal pentru liceeni, studenti si pentru cei care doresc sa isi suplimenteze venitul lunar si sa lucreze pentru mai multe companii.
Mai mult, pe eJobs vei gasi anunturi cu locuri de munca in strainatate sau cu optiunea de a lucra de acasa (remote/work from home). Asadar, daca erai in cautarea jobului ideal pentru spiritul tau liber, cu siguranta il vei gasi prin intermediul acestei aplicatii. Angajatorii nostri cauta atat candidati cu contract pe termen lung sau predeterminat, cat si candidati care fac freelancing, prin PFA sau prin firma proprie. Tot ce trebuie sa faci e sa incepi sa cauti! Jobul care se muleaza perfect pe nevoile tale te asteapta la cateva click-uri distanta.
Pe langa toate aceste posibilitati, mai poti descoperi sute de oportunitati de internship in cadrul unor companii de top. Acest tip de program este ideal pentru studentii si tinerii care doresc sa isi faca debutul pe piata muncii si sa descopere cariera care li se potriveste. Mai mult, majoritatea intership-urilor iti asigura, pe langa training-uri si experienta, o oferta stabila de angajare la finalul stagiului.
Pe eJobs vei gasi, de asemenea, mii de angajatori de top, recunoscuti pentru cultura lor organizationala dedicata angajatului, unde fericirea la job este pe primul loc. Pentru a asigura aceasta atitudine #HappyLaJob, companiile cauta sa ofere cat mai multe beneficii, de la abonamente medicale private la petreceri si pranzuri gustoase la birou, unde toti colegii socializeaza si se detaseaza de sarcinile zilnice si deadline-uri. Multe companii organizeaza, de asemenea, activitati de weekend in afara oraselor, cum ar fi petreceri la piscina, team building-uri la mare, munte sau chiar in strainatate. Bunastarea si fericirea angajatului este, asadar, pe primul loc pentru multi angajatori contemporani, iar acest lucru este imediat vizibil prin numarul de bonusuri, salile de relaxare cu jocuri din birouri si activitatile de wellness la care poate participa angajatul in mod gratuit. Rasfoieste printre toate anunturile de joburi din aplicatia eJobs si descopera toate beneficiile care te asteapta in procesul de angajare!
Asadar, indiferent daca esti in cautarea unui job sau daca pur si simplu vrei sa urmaresti evolutia pietei muncii si sa descoperi cele mai noi poziții deschise în industriile si domeniile tale de interes, aplicatia eJobs iti ofera mii de joburi perfecte pentru personalitatea si nevoile tale. Mai mult, poti intra si edita CV-ul tau oricand si oriunde, adaugand in timp real informatiile si detaliile care te fac candidatul ideal pentru jobul la care vrei sa aplici.
Aplicatia eJobs este usor de utilizat, complet intuitiva, dezvoltata pentru cei care vor sa tina legatura cu trendurile industriei lor si care vor sa creasca in cariera constant. Descarc-o acum, construieste-ti CV-ul de candidat ideal, descopera joburile de interes pentru tine si aplica rapid si usor oricand si oriunde, indiferent daca esti acasa, la birou sau in deplasare, apoi asteapta ofertele de angajare!
Esti la cateva click-uri distanta de jobul visurilor tale. Ce mai astepti? Instaleaza aplicatia eJobs si bucura-te de toate oportunitatile pe care aceasta ti le ofera! eJobs, number 1 in online recruitment
Over 270,000 companies around the country and even abroad seeking candidates just like you. EJobs install application and you'll be a step closer to your dream job. Whenever and wherever you can surf on your mobile devices can drift in search of jobs, adding new information in your resume quickly and easily. Browse through our base of employers and vacancies and discover the perfect job for you!
Whether you are looking for a job full-time or part-time eJobs has it all. Employers in our database both candidates looking for employment classic profile (open Monday to Friday between 9: 00-18: 00) and candidates for flexible schedules (with 2:00, 4:00 and 6:00 daily work) ideal for high school students and for those who want to supplement their monthly income and work for several companies.
Moreover, you'll find ads eJobs jobs abroad or with the option of working from home (remote / work from home). So if you were looking for the ideal job for your free spirit, surely you will find through this application. Our employers seek candidates with both long-term contract or predetermined, and candidates who are freelancing, the PFA or own company. All you have to do is to start looking! Job that perfectly fits your needs waiting a few clicks away.
Besides all these options, you can also find hundreds of internship opportunities within leading companies. This program is ideal for students and young people who want to make their debut on the labor market and discover the career that suits them. Moreover, most internship sites you provide, besides trainings and experience, offer stable employment at the end of the internship.
On eJobs you'll also find thousands of top employers, known for their organizational culture dedicated to employee happiness where the job comes first. To ensure this attitude #HappyLaJob companies seek to provide as many benefits, from medical subscriptions private parties and tasty lunches in the office, where all colleagues socialize and detached from everyday tasks and deadlines. Many companies also organize, weekend activities outside the cities, such as pool parties, team building sea, mountain or abroad. Employee wellbeing and happiness is thus first for many employers contemporaries, and this is immediately visible in the number of bonuses, relaxation rooms with games and activities wellness office where employee can participate for free. Browse through all job ads of application eJobs and discover all the benefits that await you in the hiring process!
So whether you are looking for a job or if you just want to watch the evolution of the labor market and discover the latest open positions in industries and your interests, application eJobs offers thousands of jobs perfect personality and your needs. Moreover, you can enter and edit your resume anytime, anywhere, adding real-time information and details that make you the ideal candidate for the job to which you are applying.
EJobs application is easy to use, completely intuitive, designed for people who want to keep in touch with industry trends and want to grow their career constantly. Download it now, build your resume ideal candidate, finds jobs interest you and apply quickly and easily anytime and anywhere, whether you're at home, at work or away, then expect job offers!
You are few clicks away from your dream job. What are you waiting for? EJobs install application and enjoy all the opportunities that we offer!
by R####:
O pula si mai mare de aplicatie! Dezvoltatori de cacat.*mai ales dupa acest ultim update* Nu mai este o pula de aplicatie. Au angajat alti dezvoltatori pesemne. Acum e iarasi functionala.