About eJobs pentru angajatori
eJobs, numarul 1 in recrutarea online
* Ai acces la anunturile tale postate si la aplicanti
* Gasesti candidatii potriviti, cu ajutorul optiunilor de cautare si filtrare de pe eJobs.ro
* Calendar cu interviurile programate
Versiunea pentru iPad are in plus fata de cea pentru iPhone:
* adaugarea de anunturi noi
* dezactivarea anunturilor active si republicarea celor inactive
Pe eJobs gasesti candidatii potriviti pentru orice pozitie deschisa. Descarca aplicatia si beneficiezi de acces rapid la o baza de date cu peste 3.5 milioane de CV-uri, un panou de control intuitiv de unde poti gestiona usor locurile de munca vacante publicate pe eJobs.ro, posibilitatea de a programa interviuri si de a fi cu un pas mai aproape de angajarea candidatului ideal pentru compania ta!
eJobs construieste echipe inca din anul 1999, fiind numarul #1 in domeniul recrutarii in Romania. In prezent, compania se mandreste cu cea mai mare baza de date de candidati: peste 3.5 milioane de CV-uri, peste 2 milioane de utilizatori unici lunar, peste 1.500 de CV-uri noi in fiecare zi si peste 23.000 de aplicari la joburi zilnice. Asadar, daca esti in plin proces de recrutare, angajare si consolidare a echipei tale, eJobs este locul perfect pentru tine.
Sa gasesti cei mai buni candidati pentru pozitiile pe care le ai deschise in companie poate fi o misiune grea, dar cu eJobs te poti bucura de un proces de recrutare optimizat. Totul incepe prin imbunatatirea modului in care atragi profesionisti, prin implementarea unor tehnici cat mai diverse de marketing si consolidarea brand-ului companiei tale ca angajator, servicii pe care ti le ofera eJobs.
Mai mult, la eJobs ai o echipa de suport pe care te poti baza si o echipa dedicata de marketing cu ajutorul careia iti vei putea indeplini rapid obiectivele. Experimenteaza cu cele mai performante retete de optimizare a rezultatelor de recrutare sau opteaza chiar pentru serviciile de employer branding care te vor propulsa in industrie ca angajator de top. In functie de abonamentul ales, beneficiezi, de asemenea, de text si continut vizual personalizat, pozitionare favorabila in fata celor 3.5 milioane de candidati, prezenta in newsletterele eJobs si actualizarea saptamanala sau chiar zilnica a anunturilor tale. Totusi, indiferent daca alegi sa experimentezi cu un cont gratuit sau alegi una din optiunile de abonament oferite de eJobs, stii ca poti publica oricand un anunt de job rapid si usor.
Cu aplicatia eJobs ai acces rapid la o multime de functionalitati! Poti cauta CV-uri direct in baza de date folosind filtrele potrivite pentru specialistii pe care iti doresti sa ii recrutezi. Poti, de asemenea, salva CV-uri de interes la care sa revii ulterior, usurand procesul de recrutare si de angajare. Astfel, daca stii ca in urmatorul an trebuie sa crești echipa cu un anumit numar de profesionisti, poti sa iti creezi propria ta mini-baza de date de specialisti la care sa revii in momentul in care se creeaza posturile respective in compania ta.
Beneficiile nu se termina aici insa. Din aplicatie poti urmari constant evolutia anunturilor tale de angajare. Poti observa rapid daca ai aplicanti noi la un post, precum si numarul total de aplicanti, iar in cazul in care vrei sa fii cat mai prompt cu noii candidati, iti poti seta direct din cont optiunea de “Notificare aplicare anunt”, care iti trimite alerte zilnice cu aplicantii noi la anunturile active. Mai mult, poti primi si notificari de programare a interviurilor sau urmari direct calendarul tau de intalnire, oferindu-ti suficient timp sa revizuiesti din nou CV-urile candidatilor tai si sa iti pregatesti planul de bataie pentru angajare.
Asadar, daca doresti sa iti optimizezi procesul de recrutare, descarca si instaleaza aplicatia eJobs pentru companii si bucura-te de toate beneficiile platformei oriunde si oricand. Contacteaza candidatii direct, obtine rezultate relevante prin optiunile de filtrare inteligente si acceseaza toate beneficiile contului tau de companie 24/7! eJobs, number 1 in online recruitment
* You have access to your ads posted and applicants
* Find the right candidates by using search options and filters on eJobs.ro
* Calendar with interviews scheduled
IPad version is in addition to the iPhone:
* Add new ads
* Disable ads active and inactive republishing
EJobs find the right candidates for any open position. Download the app and get access to a database of over 3.5 million resumes, an intuitive control panel where you can easily manage vacancies published on eJobs.ro able to schedule interviews and be one step closer to hiring ideal candidate for your company!
eJobs building teams since 1999, the number # 1 in recruitment in Romania. Currently, the company boasts the largest database of candidates: over 3.5 million resumes, over 2 million monthly unique users, more than 1,500 CVs us every day and more than 23,000 applications for jobs daily . So if you are in the process of recruiting, hiring and building your team eJobs is the perfect place for you.
To find the best candidates for the positions they have open company can be a difficult task, but eJobs you can enjoy a recruitment optimized. It starts by improving how they attract professionals by implementing techniques as various marketing and strengthen your company's brand as an employer, it offers services that eJobs.
Moreover, the eJobs have a support team that you can rely on a dedicated marketing team with which you will be able to quickly meet goals. Experiment with the best recipes optimization results recruitment or even opt for employer branding services that will propel the industry as a top employer. Depending on the plan you choose, you have also custom text and visual content, favorable positioning in front of 3.5 million candidates present in eJobs newsletters and weekly or even daily update of your ads. However, whether you choose to experiment with a free or subscription Search Options offered eJobs, you know you can always post job ads quickly and easily.
The application eJobs have access to a lot of features! Resumes can search directly in the database using filters suitable for professionals that you want to recruit them. You can also save resumes of interest that come back later, facilitating recruitment and employment. Thus, if you know that next year will grow the team with a number of professionals, you can create your own mini-database specialists that come back when those positions are created in your company.
The benefits do not end there though. Constant evolution of application can track your employment ad. You notice quickly if you apply new to a job, and the total number of applicants, and if you want to be as prompt new candidates, you can directly set the account option "Notification application notice" that you send applicants daily alerts us to the active ads. Moreover, you can receive notifications and scheduling interviews or follow your appointment calendar directly, giving you enough time to revisit again CVs your candidates and prepare your battle plan for employment.
So if you want to optimize your recruitment process, download and install the application eJobs for companies and enjoy all the benefits of the platform anytime anywhere. Contact candidates directly obtain relevant results through smart filtering options and access all the benefits your company account 24/7!
by G####:
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