HKEXAM.COM 手機應用程式,是一支為香港幼稚園、小學、中學家長及學生免費提供教育資訊的手機程式。下載此程式後,可按分類參閱我們為大家提供的不同主題。如:「0-2 歲學前教育」、「幼稚園」、「小學」、「中學」、「幼香港中學文憑 (DSE)」及「小學數學練習」等。
我們提倡及鼓勵自主學習,因此,引進「翻轉教室」概念。同學除了可以參閱教育資訊外,我們亦提供相關的視頻資訊作輔助。另外,在每筆資料中,我們亦嘗試提供簡單的問題,如:選擇題及模擬試題,讓同學可以嘗試作答,系統會即時評分(註:只有選擇題適用;模擬試題我們會另作批改)。 HKEXAM.COM phone app, is a Hong Kong kindergartens, primary and secondary schools to provide parents and students free mobile educational program information. After downloading this program, according to the classification of different themes we see as we provide. Such as: "0-2 year old pre-school", "kindergarten", "elementary school", "high school", "Young HKDSE (DSE)" and "Primary Mathematics practice", etc.
We promote and encourage independent learning, therefore, the introduction of "flip the classroom" concept. In addition to educational information students can see, we also provide the relevant video information as an aid. In addition, each profile, we also try to provide a simple question, such as: multiple choice and simulation questions, so that students can try to answer, the system instantly Rating (Note: only choice applicable; simulation questions we would otherwise modify) .