Job Search - CTgoodjobs for Android
It asled me to enter UDID after I clicked language preference. Cant even get to the main page ans use the app
I don't see any results including or relating my search keywords
This app is very useful that can help me find the job. Love it! #Yuppies #優皮士
我以前搵工以為好難 用過呢個app 之後 我發現搵工原來好易!!! 大專生搵part time 賺外快一定要試呢個app!!! 快d share 比朋友仔啦!!! #semaru #蛇麻嚕
Quite user-friendly that provides both Chinese and English surface. This is very useful as jobs are sorted by class with details. Good app for students to find internship. #Victomoan
Everything is in Chinese
Beautiful app but it only lists jobs outside of the United States of America.
Need application and job and a beer
Dabba it ll nt open only
I think what differentiates this app from other similar job searching apps is that, it's really a very personalized platform. It helps get many things on hand in one app. #城大器#City Icon
This is a super useful apps if you r looking for jobs hunting. You just can't simply miss this! #五良益yeah #Five Good
Easy to use.. Can got good Jobs opportunities. So far I never met a job apps like it before! Recommend !! #阿拉基斯 #Arrakis
Actually i haven't used this kind of apps before,but when i download it,i like the design of the apps:simple but clear.It has many aspects of jobs that i can choose,very detailed, it's good to have the option "part time" and "nearby job" so that i can find jobs more conveniently :D For Me,this app is sound and it's nice to use during spare time:D#Victomoan
I have recently searched for parttime job by using CTgoodjobs apps. You can easily search the job anywhere at anytime, from having meal to taking the bus. It is user- friendly and useful!!! Highly recommend to someone who is finding a job!
A good platform for somebody who is finding a job, you can find different and wide categories of jobs in the apps, via not using a computer, and I can get any reply immediately, not missing any good opportunities. #王者# Caliburn
CT goodjobs is one of the best jobs in the Application Store which provides users with the most updated job vacancy information, not to mention its user friendly design. #黃家馬德里 #yellowfever
This is a good apparently that I have never seen. #頹廢人 #free-rider
Good app to use, I find found job easily by using the app, the brief introduction of the app is clear also, you can simply find your fond job by categories. #王者#Caliburn
Helpful app that my friend can finally find his first job after his graduation in 1990 #比賽吧,少年 #Let's go! Buddies!
Thanks #Semaru for introducing this useful apps to me. I have a nice experience of using this app, never imagine that jobs can be apply in this way! It's really convenience for me! #蛇麻嚕 #Semaru
我以前搵工以為好難 用過呢個app 之後 我發現搵工原來好易!!! 大專生搵part time 賺外快一定要試呢個app!!! 快d share 比朋友仔啦!!! #semaru #蛇麻嚕
CTgoodjob 呢個app 真係好好用! 啲指示簡單易明,介面十分清晰,非常user-friendly! :) 揾工用佢就啱曬啦! #Oclub #荀工隊
Very gd!!! #Yuppies#優皮士
User friendly! Will be even better if include job type such as part- time, summer job, internship, searching criteria. #五月星#starter
A convenient platform for job seekers to look for jobs and let you know more about the job market and well prepare for your career! #理加城 #Resoluter
從未諗過可以係Google drive 載入履歷表 相容性十分高 成個apps好systematic very nice !! #semaru #蛇麻嚕
My friends introduced this app to me and I found that it was excellent! It offers recommendations on relevant job offers and helps you find a suitable job efficiently and effortlessly. #五芒星#Pentacle
It's surprisingly easy to use, and it really is helpful for me to look for my dream jobs. Keep it up! #卡喺五指山 #KK5
I think this app is really helpful. #Yuppies#優皮士
之前用過web版既ct goodjobs 已經覺得唔錯,而家有埋app版搵工更方便!#爵士鼓#Jazz Drum
Very useful and user-friendly! It helps me a lot! #不小心碰頭#Coincidence
It helps me a lot when i cant find any job in other job finding application.Thanks for developer that create this app. #五香肉丁#Meat Cubes x5
Love it
User friendly.
This app is very professional and provides lots of details and useful information of different kind of jobs. Very nice and clear app. #心繫 #CoBonding
It's a great app that I find it very useful to find jobs effectively! recommended by #risktakers #冒險王
All the good apps to find Jobs are for outside the USA, share the generosity, make us one, please! I mainly love the advance search options .
A very useful app!
by U####:
This application only for Hong Kong National .