信報 Mobile for Android
即使下載每日報紙,但仍使用大量數據流量,另外作為收費報章App, 廣告太多了
Pop up 廣告太多, 太煩擾. 即使已下載報章, 仍使用大量數據!
Why the ad keep pop out? Extremely annoying
廣告多到離晒普。由入app, 到睇新聞, 出目錄, 再揀新聞。 同一個廣告每日要睇幾十次, 一定唔會再俾錢續
Use too much battery
Can't log on
It's more than OK.
Very Good
作為一個巳付費的報紙apps,pop up 廣告巳去到一個擾人地步。還厚顏要人加錢去裝一個沒有廣告的版本。期望有達人做一個 block 去廣告的apps。
Cannot open the news, tried to reinstall the app but still not working. I am using Huawei mate 10
Full page ads super annoying
The full page ad keep blocking my wifi hotspot logins! And it just appears too frequently and there is no way to manage the type of notifications I receive, so I can only turn them off altogether. I paid yearly subscription and logged in, why is it still giving me SO MANY ADS? I am too annoyed and have to uninstall it to get internet.
Full page ads are very annoying. As paid user you wouldnt expect full page ads to pop out while reading.
訂閱一年港幣700, 唔計星期日新年聖誕,平均每日約3 元, 有咁多高質素文章, 我唔介意畀多啲錢飛走廣告佢
More advertisements than free newspaper app.
Error, size is not a function, causing image cannot be viewed. :( But, after re-installing, it works fine now. New update allows speaking of text as in iPad version.
These bugs keep happening for years and it seems they don't even bother to fix them: eat a lots of foreground and background data although downloaded all contents already; eat a lot of battery (battery history show >12% and occasionally notified as "battery draining app"); no setting to disable real life notification that keep popping up annoyingly.
在家預先用Wifi下載後,途上看完一天信報,還要用上 32MB+ 數據,一月下來會用上900MB以上! 數據有價,你能接受嗎?
It can't stop if we wrongly touch the voice function. And we can't even disable the function to avoid the mis-touch
Always show TypeError, image size error.
不停出現 TypeError image.resize
Typeerror, image.size not a function show in every page
Too much ads
Probably due to bug, the app consumes a lot of power even it's at the background and not in use. Please debug.
I used to like this app very much. However, after the recent app update. I found that very oftenly the individual news content can't be loaded ! (Even I have preased the button to download all the content) Hope the developer can fix the issue or advise how I can solve it! Thx! (P.S. I m using LG G3 with Android 4.4.2)
都係個句, 炒左個IT director啦, 用左幾個version, 都係咁多bugs及低级錯誤, 很多時文章都load都唔到, 究竟有冇試清楚先放出街. 多騷擾性的廣告更加唔使講. 信報無疑有很多高學術性高質素的文章, 但IT領域實在差同業很多, 痛心疾首.
Why would we subscribe if we cannot open the app?
Annoying amount of ads and drains a lot of battery
Too much of ads and which is extremely annoying!!!
by M####:
The voice acts really slow! And please remove all ads!