About Satsang
The app has the following
- Satyanusaran
- Nari Neeti
- Prayer
Satyanusaran (The Pursuit of Truth)
By Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra.
[In 1910 A.D when Thakur was only twenty two years old then in one spontaneous outpouring, in the course of one night, Sri Sri Thakur wrote down these messages unfolding everlasting life and light.]
The degeneration of humanity began at that moment when the unseen god was made infinite and, ignoring the Seers, the worship of Their Sayings began.
Oh Mankind! If you desire to invoke your good, forget sectarian conflict. Be regardful to all the past Prophets. Be attached to your living master or God and take only those who love Him as your own. Because
all the past Prophets are consummated in the divine Man of the present.
by V####:
It's a very good thinking that you implemented The devin own hand written sentences of our loving God into tech world. I love you brother. Because our Thakur is always interested towards the real implementation of thoughts into science & technology. Keep on thinking and I request with white background you please design the app with some modifications, because it is sometimes unreadable. Please once design with better graphics.