Gamester - Meet Gamers, Discover Video Games for Android
Awesome community. Great gamers to chat with and burn hours gaming. Few exceptions but usually taken care of quickly.
Really great way to meet gamers across all platforms, tons of stuff going on with a very active community.
Helps me connect better with people on diffent circumstances. Plus it's easy to use and very satisfying to connect with the gaming community
It's pretty cool. Get to meet and game with fellow gamers!
Fantastic App for any Twich gamer!!
It's great for meeting gamers to play with!
Best gaming social media app out there [:
Great app, very active community.
Helps me connect with people of the same mind set. It's nice
Great app for gamers to chat and play games.
Active community, great place with great people.
Good for connecting with other gamers.
Love the community :)
Good app
i love it
Couldn't even create an account, can't pass without adding a profile picture and every time I attach a picture it send me back to the first login screen.
Broke down can't even get back into my account
Very social and friendly community. App is regularly updated.
Awesome Community no negative it
Could be better it needs a big update
Brilliant app for gamers
Great app, awesome people.
Awesome experience
Garbage app its dead a bunch of garbage. People too
It's fun finding new people to talk and play with and the interface is simple and nice.
Rarely let's me access my profile. Won't let me upload photos. Won't let me post. Won't even let me delete my account. Garbage
The app is good its just its to slow or it wont let you do certain things
Very good app.
Good app to meet and play with people in different games. People are very nice for the majority. Owner is also nice and willing to listen for suggestions. Giving a 3 because it needs work and the messenger app portion was removed and now have to use an outside app.
The community is awesome. This app is just what you need to meet more gamers, play more games, document the games you play and your proficientcy in those games. I could see using this app to build a gaming resume of some sort. Will be making video about the app on my YouTube channel.
I think it will be better to have a private messaging system so we do not have to always post our information for everyone to see.
Eh just got it and can't load it ._.
This app overall is an amazing way to meet other gamers but Literally there isn't a group out there for everything but it's getting there...I only really wish leveling up was a little easier and everytime you picked a game you play or pinned a group you didn't get sent to the very top.
Battles are a good idea, but it should have limits. I'm level 1, I was attacked by 2 or 3 level 7 people.
Best social media site out their definitely get
by D####:
This app is overly complicated. When I looked at this app I was looking for a place to find new people to game with, this is just ridiculous, and it crashes a lot.