ACHETE en FRANÇAIS for Android
No English support so I am rating 1 star Please add english support!!!!1!!!one!!!
I love it. I use this app all the time. I don't know what I'd do if this app wasn't developed. I had lost hope in life but when this app came out, everything changed. Thanks guys. You are all winners, but most of all, strong and brave warriors. I thank you. Contribution to society, 100%. Bravo!
I will be using this app to know which English stores to support! Suck on that Poutine Marois
If your a dumb BS, Pquist in quebec. This is for you.
Useless app, it's also badly designed.
L'auteur devrait voir que ca provoque: 2.7 rating! J'aime le francais, mais quand je vois des trucs come ca, ca me degoute!!
Horrible app... Too bad it doesn't allow you to report unilingual French stores...
Racist app. Should be shut down. What next, buy white? Disgusting.
Another reason for me to despise the French language and avoid using it whenever I can. What a pity. Vive Le Chomage TBRNK!!!
I can't believe this made it into the play store. I can't think of a more targeted way to support language bigotry.
Afreux comme application. Ne pas pourrir votre appareil avec cette merde. Je donnerais 0 si je pouvais.
Complètement stupide. Apprendre un deuxième langue et agrandir vos horizons!
Garbage app catering to bigots.
App is great for telling me where not to spend my money
Bloody close-minded freaks!
I'm French and I think this is one of the dumbest most useless I have ever seen.
Racist garbage app
A piece of crap
Encore un autre outil pour diviser la population et semer la haine envers tout qui n'est pas "comme nous". Ce qui me préoccupe le plus c'est que le gouvernement prends nos impots pour payer pour toute cette haine, mais fais des coupures en education, en santé, pour maintaindre les routes et ponts.
A disgrace
Et utilité ? Mes messages sur leur facebook sont effacés et je suis certain que je ne suis pas seul! Dans cette application ça va être dure de démêler les bonnes des mauvaises infos. Ça ne sent pas bon. 1 étoile pour la censure chez vous !
Laissons de côté le fait que les vrais utilisateurs de cette application sont racistes et sont seulement là pour brasser de la merde. Cette application n'a aucun contrôle sur les noms d'entreprise, c'est mal organisé, et c'est les mêmes qui écrivent touts les commentaires. Si c'était du satire ce serait drôle, mais ce ne l'est pas. C'est une honte monumentale.
Le pouvoirs des abrutis reunis dans une APP .. domage qu'il n'existe un rating de moins de Zero !
Pour l'instant, il y a peu de commentaire. Cependant, comme bien d'autre application qui demande une implication de ses usagés, tout peut être noter. Vous pouvez même être le premier! :) A tout autre personne au message haineux: ces commentaires sont pour cotter l'application, pas pour étaler votre étroitesse d'esprit et votre racisme caché. Si vous détestez la langue française et les gens qui l'utilise au point de tenter de les empècher de s'organiser culturellement, vous êtes des racistes ségrégationnel
This application promotes HATE and has been submitted to Google's headquarters for a complete review. I work with the public, and will speak to the public in the language they wish to speak to me in. I will not follow the stupid racist idiots who think that people should not speak english at all! If someone speaks to me in french, then I will happily speak to them in french, If they speak in english then I will reply in english, if they speak to me in spanish, I will try my best. why? because I respect everyone, and I am not a pathetic loser like Mr. Bealieu!
It is not the law for every company to speak french regardless of size. That is a law that the PQ tried to pass but failed doing so! This app is built off of lies and encourages people to favor a certain race over others for a Quebec that the majority has never voted for!
I will be using this app to know which English stores to support! Suck on that Poutine Marois
Think of all the pot holes that could have been fixed with the $30,000 they spent to make this app! Great job Quebec!
I honestly can't believe it has come this allow a racist APP... I say we burn our province and start up again
Tout simplement, non. Quelle perte de temps d'avoir programmé cette application mobile. Quelle honte d'insinuer que seul le français est acceptable dans notre province.
That's right anglophones, your taxes financed an app that will help to marginalize you. This is deplorable.
Holy Nazi app, this can't be serious, it's bad enough that Canada has turned a blind eye to the brewing rasism in Quebec, but allowing and promoting it commercial on play store; hugely disappointing.
Peut-être que vous achetez seulement en français, mais j'utilise les deux langues officielles et j'en suis fier. Vous devriez apprendre à traiter les gens avec respect et arrêter d'essayer de perturber la paix linguistique.
We are in Canada ppl. Québec is not its own country... I speak 3 languages and proud of using all of them... But seeing how the pq is using our money for this crap and other useless language laws I'm not proud to be from Québec. Montréal is multicultural and it should be bilingual like the rest of Canada. No more stepping on ppl rights!
Ill give your app 5/5 when it supports English... Over 30 million dollars of our tax money goes to the idiots every year, and thats the best they can do.... pretty ugly app.
No English support so I am rating 1 star Please add english support!!!!1!!!one!!!
Long live a strong and bi-lingual Quebec free of prejudice...
Useless app, it's also badly designed.
by N####:
I love it. I use this app all the time. I don't know what I'd do if this app wasn't developed. I had lost hope in life but when this app came out, everything changed. Thanks guys. You are all winners, but most of all, strong and brave warriors. I thank you. Contribution to society, 100%. Bravo!