Games Database - MHW

Games Database - MHW Free App

Rated 4.65/5 (408) —  Free Android application by Hey Tsai


About Games Database - MHW


  - Can use full functionality without internet connection.

  - Use the list and slide page design, allowing players to easily browse and get detailed monsters, items and map guide information.

  - You can query the monster drop, or get the source of items.

  - Contains equipment and skills information, allowing players to choose the right

  - Support search function (including voice input).

    (The content is relatively poor now, but we will keep updating and add more useful features)

Update plan:

  - Monster habits information.

  - Recipe and store information.

  - Quest information.

How to Download / Install

Download and install Games Database - MHW version 1.3.3 on your Android device!
Downloaded 10,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: com.heyheyda.monsterhunterworlddatabase, download Games Database - MHW.apk

All Application Badges

For everyone
Android app

App History & Updates

What's Changed
v 1.3.3
- Add weapon and charm craft info.
- Update armor info.
- Fix logo display error.
v 1.3.2
- Add set bonus (skill) info.
- Update charms and decorations info.
- Update some icons.
v 1.3.1
- Add map and gather info.
- Add coating(bow) info.
- Correct some monster info and equip's skill info.
v 1.3.0
- Add weapon info.

What are users saying about Games Database - MHW

by T####:

Probably one of the best MHW apps out there right now. Super simple and clean looking. I wish it had some more tips for beating different monsters instead of just listing the in game information but maybe that will come down the road.

by O####:

Should add a tab to show camp locations, or Make it so when you select a map it goes to "Maps// Camps / Zones." Awesome app though. Really enjoying it. Love the offline availability, not needed my data on to use it is nice!

by H####:

Just downloaded and pleased with the easy to use format. I'm anticipating some updates for the potential to get the 5 star rating. Overall impressed with what we have already. Edit: Giving 5 stars now. There have been content updates since I first downloaded and I'm confident this app will continue to evolve. Great work and thank you.

by T####:

Really appreciate such a great app from a fellow Hunter. Thanks for this very useful tool bro ✊

by L####:

Great app for finding information. Just to note that the description for health boost under the skill tab is wrong.

by X####:

Awesome. Missing mandragora mushrooms though.

by T####:

Awesome app !

by T####:

I just downloaded the app looks awesome very helpful. Only one complaint I wish I could see the materials needed to make certain weapons and armour sets.

by A####:

This app is awesome. It would be nice if you could show materials needed to build weapons.

by L####:

App keeps closing every time I open it. I have re-installed and still does the same thing.

by L####:

The app is simple and easy to use. But the crafting materials needed for the weapons are still unavailable. I see the crafting list for armors but not for weapons. Thanks

by L####:

This app has pretty much everything you could want for playing monster Hunter. I would give ten stars if I could. Great job!

by T####:

This application is becoming a wonderful companion to Monster Hunter World. I agree with the previous reviews, a donation link for an ad free version would be fantastic.

by R####:

Love the app so much thanks i was waiting for this!

by L####:

Can't open as it keeps closing itself.

by T####:

Thank for information so great

by T####:

I absolutely love the app. My only qualm is that for some reason the icon isn't showing up on my phone (I have a Pixel 2). I am instead seeing the android symbol with a kind of grid like background. I hope that gets fixed in an update. Or maybe it's just me...not sure. Keep up the excellent work though!

by T####:

Fantastically useful app, major kudos to the developer! :) The only possible additions I can think of beyond what's planned is a non-advert/donate version and a dark theme (As long as the icons are transparent).

by T####:

It's better than most I wish it had crafting lists for weapons and pictures of complete gear and weapons and monster description from the game and a tab for endemic species

by T####:

Not bad, Keep it up. I just request to have the resources on the maps in future.???????? But after update the chinese missing... how to change back to chinese. ----------------------------------------------------------- Nice????

by T####:

I loved it, thank you for the response, keep up the good work

by T####:

please add in an armor builder and it would be perfect. great job on the ap otherwise, keep the updates coming

by T####:

Nice familiar interface, slim ads that aren't obnoxious, few misspells such as "bruatal bone"

by A####:

Lots of information presented excellently

by T####:


by T####:

I just dowbloaded this app 2/21/18 and when I try to open it, it pops up with a message saying the app has stopped, basically force closes upon opening everytime. I did a reinstall and rebooted my phone, still no luck. Any ideas? I am on android 7.1.1. I still gave 5 stars based on pictures and the developers time and effort.

by V####:

Awesome and very useful app, thanks a lot for your efforts! The interface is clean and easy to understand, very well done. I'd love a paid version with no ads to support your work ????.

by T####:

The best database app for Monster Hunter World! I'm only waiting for update for other stuff. but still the best regardless.

by T####:

Great app! Please add option for paying for ad free! Would love to donate.

by T####:

Love the app. Can you include the materials for the weapon section? Thank you.

by T####:

Love the app, cant wait until further updates youve got plannes. having the item icons finished and finalised will make it look great. Once you update it itll definitely be 5 stars!

by G####:

App is great. Just needs some detail work, my suggestion is adding set bonus info for the armor. Others have great suggestions as well. But other than that it's a pocket hunters guide I don't need to pause my game to check!

by T####:

This app is looking just as good as the databases before it. My friends and I have been using these apps since we started playing the game. One option I would like to see is an armor set builder function, it would help in planning end-game sets.

by T####:

It's good for being on such short notice but doesn't have everything but keep updating it will be the best one there is

by T####:

Really good it would be great if you added a quest list with the key quests listed to make it easier.

by U####:

Love it so far, but I wish it would show the freuency for High Rank monster drops.

by U####:


by T####:

可唔可以係個apps到加返 語言選擇?我部機用英文界面,入咗apps啲野轉晒做英文我完全用唔到。

by T####:

I have been keeping a close eye on this app hoping for an english support patch. Now that it's here I'll be using this all the time while playing MHW!

by T####:

Its awesome, keep the good work

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408 users