Heya Dating App for Android
Would get 5 stars if not so tied up with facebook. Also the app should require users to add at least a short profile text.
Buginen ja muutenkin huonosti toteutettu. Parin tunnin ajan puolenyön jälkeen tykkäykset ei rekisteröidy mihinkään. Sijainti näyttää olevan jumissa 300km päässä paikassa, jossa olin käymässä viikko sitten. Positiivista se, että näkee ketkä on tykännyt.
Heya is 1 of the best dating apps, except no women ever reply to my messages although I'm polite. After getting matches, I can't see distance to women! Tinder shows that. Then I could ask women to call me when they are nearby. And not bother them when they are not even in same country. Paying users can hide distance if they want that privacy. I would like less privacy and show everyone in which city I live AND in which city I'm currently AND will be after the flight or ferry trip.... Tinderissä toimii joka paikassa copy paste, tässä toimii vain paste....Pituus ja paino pitäisi olla pakollisia tietoja... HYVÄÄ verrattuna Tinder: voin lisätä reilusti valokuvia JA tekstiä. Valokuvissa rajausongelma: jos kuva ei ole neliön muotoinen, voi jäädä tärkeä osa kuvasta pois. CAN I reorder=sort my pictures?
Ei toimi kirjautuminen. Erroria heittää.
Its a good app and people in it are real.
Näin mainoksen, ajattelin kokeilla. Vaatii ihan liikaa FB oikeuksia että voisi suositella kenellekään. En saanut tiliä edes tehtyä, joten app meni heti poistoon.
Requires facebook account...
Testasin taas uudestaan ja mukavasti tullu uutta porukkaa
This decent dating app. Not so much user though. Conversation part sucks, lot's of bugs.
Ihan OK, mutta voisitte synkkauksen tehdä jollain toisella tavalla. Tämän hetkinen versio sekoittaa androidin oman herätyksen indikaattorin ja näyttää, että herätys olisi aina n. Kymmenen minuutin välein.
MAKE ME VIP FOR NO REASON :| ooohhh... I could spread tge word of this app! Just.. Vip or name me: Callofbooty :o. Sorry I'm drunk again. Just do it. ~Nike or Adidas, I dont remember
It's real.and the people are real too ????
I will never have Facebook
Works ok but closing an opened profile is a little troublesome requires two clicks
not upto standard! can be improved..
Go visit LetsGetItOnOnlineDating (dot) info for a good one. You're welcome. Nunc pellentesque eu ipsum eu aliquet. Morbi ut nunc metus. Quisque risus erat, ornare tincidunt tellus at, mattis vulputate dui. Vestibulum convallis sagittis neque, quis vulputate est efficitur quis. Morbi eu facilisis ex. Maecenas hendrerit sem vitae vestibulum ullamcorper. Integer tincidunt at urna sed dignissim. Morbi gravida elit eget placerat tincidunt. Vivamus pharetra mi sed mauris aliquet, quis fringilla urna accumsan. Proin vulputate eu magna at mattis. Donec tempor consequat mi quis tincidunt.
Uninstalled 2016.02. Hard to say is the problem with women or Heya, but Txxxxr app works better for me
Ihan uusi lähestymistapa deittailuun. Pelaamista voi hattastaa appissa ja jättä pois treffeiltä. Mainiollista!
Hyvä päivitys!
MAKE ME VIP FOR NO REASON :| ooohhh... I could spread tge word of this app! Just.. Vip or name me: Callofbooty :o. Sorry I'm drunk again. Just do it. ~Nike or Adidas, I dont remember
Great app to get connected with people on the go and around the world.
No advanced features. Doesn't let you upload pictures from your phone, only facebook. Doesn't let you go back and upload pictures from Facebook once you realize this. I can't search people. I can currently only see the same 3 people who are online right now. Nothing new or special about it.
It was easy to register and I didn't need to write boring texts. Heya picked up my work and interest immediatelly from Facebook. Unfortunatelly, there are only few users now.
Great app to get connected with people on the go and around the world. It really puts more life into your social life.
by W####:
Does not seem to register any of my likes, refreshing discover just brings everyone i've liked/disliked back. When i try to like people back nothing even happens.