Pembuat Meme Lucu for Android
Fitur Aplikasi Pembuat meme lucu.
- Pilih gambar di gallery/album Android Anda.
- Tersedia Text Atas dan Bawah.
- Bisa langsung disimpan.
- Bisa dibagikan di media social dengan mudah.
- Tampilan simple mudah digunakan.
Cara Memakai :
-Pertama buka aplikasi pembuat meme lucu.
-Cari gambar yang ada di album atau gallery android kamu.
-Tuliskan text atas sesui ide kreatif kamu dan text bawah
-Create untuk mengenerate text kedalam gambar.
-Save untuk menyimpan gambar
-Share untuk membagikan gambar ke media social.
Catatan : untuk membagikan gambar terlebih dahulu untuk menekan tombal save dan diterukan tombol share.
Meme Maker Funny application, an application creator or meme meme generator that can create funny pictures and accompanied by text / short humorous writings. This application is very easy to use to make memes with ideas and creations you to create funny memes and gokil and can be saved and shared on various social media such as facebook status and can also be used as fuel dp. Therefore we provide meme maker app for you for free that can be downloaded directly.Features Application Builder funny meme.
- Select an image in the gallery / album of Android.
- Available Text Up and Down.
- Can be directly deposited.
- Can be shared on social media with ease.
- Display simple easy to use.
How to use :
-First Open funny meme maker app.
-Find A picture in an album or your android gallery.
-Tuliskan Within their text on your creative ideas and the text below
-Create To generate text into an image.
-save For storing images
-Share To share pictures to social media.
Note: to share the image prior to pressing the button diterukan tombal save and share.