幸福角落Happiness Corner for Android
地址:台中市霧峰區樹仁路69號 外送專線:04-23390028
週一~週五 AM11:00~PM15:00、PM16:30~PM21:00
"Although we are cheap, but we insist on quality", after a rigorous selection process we carefully select only the last imported Italian imported pasta, called "Baronia Barrow Virginia pasta" eat up Q bomb chewy, people can not help a then a. We will uphold this principle adhere to in the end.
Address: Wufeng, Taichung City Shue Yan Road No. 69 outside the region to send Line: 04-23390028
Monday to Friday AM11: 00 ~ PM15: 00, PM16: 30 ~ PM21: 00
Saturday and Sunday PM11: 00 ~ PM21: 00
Shop Hugh: unscheduled Friday afternoon or all day