About 嘉義好車網
現代科技的發達,及網際網路的普及化,讓我們可輕鬆經由網路隨時隨地接收來自各地的即時訊息與世界接軌。公會看準了現今網路便利性的優勢,期許藉著銷售網站平台的建立,不僅提供因諸多因素無法到店賞車的客戶,透過網路連結即可線上賞車的便利服務,更增加車商車輛之曝光,進而提高銷售數量。在這幾乎人手一支智慧型手機的現代生活,手機APP系統更是簡化了我們連結網路的過程,以更快速、更精準、更省時的方式協助顧客尋車、賞車及購車,且手機APP賞車平台的建置更是全國各縣市汽車商業同業公會首創,期望藉由當今新新科技開創新商機。近年風行全球的社群網站Facebook高曝光率及市占率更是網路行銷不可或缺的一環。集結網站平台、手機APP及Facebook粉絲團這三大媒體優勢打造網路銷售鐵三角,只需經由網路平台刊登上架,即可於手機APP及Facebook粉絲團同步曝光,藉此增加網路行銷的可看性,不僅讓客戶可經由多方通路選購理想的二手中古車,更帶動各車商車輛之銷售,共創車界新的里程碑。 Development of modern technology, and the popularity of the Internet, which allows us to easily receive instant messages from around the world via the Internet anytime, anywhere with the world. Nowadays Internet Association spotted convenience advantages, hopes to build sales through web platform, not only because of many factors not to shop tours car customers to online tours car convenient services via the network link, but also increased the car Manufacturer vehicle exposure, thereby increasing sales volume. Almost everyone in this modern life of a smart phone, mobile phone APP system is to simplify the process of our web link to a faster, more accurate, more time-saving way to help customers find the car, truck and car tours and Build Mobile APP tours car platform is the National Automobile Association counties pioneered new technology expected by today's new open innovation opportunities. In recent years, the popularity of social networking site Facebook worldwide high visibility and market share is an integral part of Internet marketing. Build web platform, mobile APP and Facebook fan group these three media advantage to build a network of sales Technica, just published shelves via Internet platform, you can synchronize exposure to mobile phones APP and Facebook fan group, thereby increasing network marketing can see, not only allow customers to choose the ideal LHD car via multi-channel, has driven sales of the car dealer vehicle, creating a new milestone in the car industry.