About NEAG不要一個人吃飯
NEAG = 不要一個人吃飯的英文縮寫 = Never Eating Alone Group
我們是由一群熱心、熱衷、熱情的夥伴,所共同發起、組成的非營利團體。 由版主文祥經由「不要一個人吃飯 教你從零開始做人脈」一書所導引出的靈感而成立,認為藉由飯局來結識好友,進而能互相幫助,無論是個人、工作、業務與職場上的相互激勵。夥伴大多為企業主與業務經理人,透過吃飯產生交情,有交情乃有交易,更透過各類型不同的活動,諸如讀書會、烹飪、運動社團等,增加友情與培養人際關係。
不定時舉辦: 早中晚聚餐,讀書會,各類型講座,商務聯誼,娛樂球類活動,料理烹飪烤肉,登山運動健行腳踏車露營,品酒品茗咖啡聚會,跨群交流,電視錄影,電影欣賞,公益慈善活動,兩性聯誼……等等 [NEAG not a person to eat dinner group]
NEAG = not a person to eat abbreviation = Never Eating Alone Group
We are a group of dedicated, enthusiastic, passionate partner, jointly sponsored, non-profit groups to form. Moderators Wenxiang via "not a person to eat a man to teach you from scratch veins," a book of inspiration and guide the establishment of that dinner by friends to get to know, and then be able to help each other, whether it is personal, work, business and the workplace on mutual encouragement. Partners are mostly business owners and business managers, resulting in friendship through the meal, there is friendship Trade, but through all types of different activities, such as book clubs, cooking, sports associations, etc., to increase friendship and cultivate relationships.
From time to time organized: dinner early in the evening, readings, various types of seminars, business networking, entertainment, sports activities, food cooking barbecue, bike camping climbing hiking, coffee tasting tea party, cross-group communication, television video, film shows , charitable activities, and so on ...... gender networking